View Full Version : Never ending

anx mum
06-12-08, 09:54
Hi ive suffered health anxiety for over 4 months now had many symptoms eg chest pains, pins and needles, breathing problems, dizziness. All i was left with was breathing problems. Now woke up this morning with chest pain again does this ever end. So sick of this :weep:

06-12-08, 13:45
Hello Anx Mum,
Sorry to hear your feeling down, things do get better with time. Have you read Claire Weekes book, there are also some free downloads in nmp shop, they really helped for me to understand what was happening and why, therefore made me less frightened, Just an idea, hope you feel better soon.

Take care

anx mum
06-12-08, 13:49
thanx sarah yeah have read clare weeks. Thought my chest pain had gone and woke up with it 2day. Just seems never ending