View Full Version : Pain Under Ribs

06-12-08, 11:25
Anyone experienced anything like this?

I've got this horrible pain just under my ribs on the right hand side....feels almost like someone's jabbed something just under my ribs. It came on yesterday evening and I woke up with it still there - it hasn't got any worse but I'm still very aware of it.

It's not constant and when I'm sat down resting I don't feel it till I start moving about. I remember having something similar a couple of years ago which went on for months and I ended up at the hospital having a scan which showed everything was fine :shrug: So I never got to the bottom of it.

Has anyone had anything like this and found out what it was and if it is anxiety related? I know IBS is linked to stress but this is kind of in one area. Things are a bit stressful at the moment; lots of things flaring up at work/no-one has any morale left, that kind of thing. Maybe it's got to me without me realising it?!? :scared15:

06-12-08, 13:46
Yes I had this a few weeks ago and it made me really worried but I think it was partly trapped wind and partly due to acid reflux that I get. It went when I stopped worrying myself silly about it.:huh: Also got a pain near my right hip too that worried me but that's gone too now.

07-12-08, 00:25
Yes, I often have a similar pain. Like you, I had loads of tests, scans etc, whcih showed nothing - theyt were worried it was gall stones, but nothing showed up. I think for me it is stomach acid, IBS type thing and possibly when I have been drinking too much.

I don't think you need to worry - with the job stress, I am sure it is acid/IBS. I find taking a Zantac really helps actually and a hot water bottle.

Hope you feel better soon!