View Full Version : Had a big panic attack this morning..fed up!

06-12-08, 15:12
Hi all,

Went to drop off my daughter to see her dad, felt a bit unwell when I got up, but thought nothing of it. Anyway, her dad was late and I started feeling really sick (my main symptom) and realy jittery, like I wanted to run. I managed to hold it together till he arrived as I never want my daughter to see me panicking.

I got back home and calmed down a little, but have felt really sick ever since (I am an emetephobe) and my anxiety is very high, like I am on the edge of another massive panic. Usually I can recover myself fairly swiftly from these, have been through some tough challenges recently to be able to do that. However, today I just cannot settle down at all, it's not helped by the fact that I have to drive over 30 miles up the motorway tonight to see my boyfriend.

I have been doing really well lately and this "blip" has really unnerved me, in fact I would rather would just be tucked up in bed with a good book. But, I can never let myself do this as I always force myself to do what scares me, not always with great results lol. I cannot cancel the visit tonight as I haven't seen him since last Sat. I think that I am just very stressed at the mo, as not working because of anxiety, so broke. Tried to claim incapacity benefit/income support temporarily, but the Jobcentre are saying they never received all the documents I sent off that they requested, so I have to start again, grrr, but I just don't see the point. So I am now job hunting and it is very scary.

Sorry for the ramble, I think I just really need reassurance and calming down and I'm not sure how to get that.