View Full Version : First Post... Pregnant with health anxiety

purple monkey
06-12-08, 17:55
Hi, This is my first post. So Hi :)

I've suffered from anxiety and panic attacks on and off for the past 5 or 6 years.

For me i worry mainly about something happening to me, but it can also be about something happening to my partner or children too.

I can go for days without worrying but then a pain somewhere triggers the thoughts off and i spend the next few days obsessing about it....

At the moment i'm not having the best time as i recently went for my first appointment with the midwife (i'm almost 10 weeks) and she discovered my blood pressure was a little high.

This of course has set me off on a real panic.

I had been worrying about the appointment as having any sort of tests/checks worries me and so was feeling anxious as i left, it built up more and as they took the blood pressure i felt quite anxious. I remember looking out the window as she was taking it and telling myself to calm down and trying to do so... They then took blood and then did blood pressure again (in other arm) as first reading a little high and it still was...

BUT... what i'm wondering is how likely is it that my anxiety pushed it up? My pulse was monitored at 133 which is also much higher than normal. My blood pressure was 123/93

When i got home afterwards i was VERY anxious and after sitting on this forum for an hour or so, calming down and feeling better i retook my pulse and was down to 89. (my pulse is usually around 80-100 but i've read it can go up a little when pregnant)

Is it likely my anxiety made my blood pressure a little higher?

I'm so worried about it. Cant get it off my mind.

I do have factors that would make it higher (im 34, and also overweight) BUT in the past when checked it has been ok apart from one time about 5 years ago when i had it checked at the hospital (a check up after a baby) and was a bit high but i do get anxious in hospitals. A few days after i had it taken at docs and was normal. But this was 5 years ago.

Sorry for the long post. I really would love some advice. I wont have it checked for another 5 weeks as wont be seeing midwife and i dont want these thought to ruin christmas for me.

I thought about going doctors and asking him to retake it but i think i'd be really anxious again so might not be a good reading?

Thanks for ANY advice xxx

06-12-08, 18:12
first of all congrats!!
im also pregnant too, (10 weeks 4 days) & already i have had ALOT of complications.
i totally know where your coming from, try not to worry to much. High blood pressure is very common in pregnancy.
If you think going to the doctors will put your mind at rest, then go :) im never away from the place

06-12-08, 18:13
p.s on resting my pulse is anything from 78-90, but atm with my anxiety and panic attacks its been between 100-127

06-12-08, 19:53
I am so terrified of seeing a doctor because of how high my blood pressure gets! HA can cerainly cause your blood pressure to rise dramatically (and your pulse too)! Your blood pressure actually wasn't too bad, it just means that they will keep a close eye on you to make sure that it doesn't get out of control. If it is truly pregnancy related hypertension, there are plenty of treatments for it and it almost always goes away once you deliver your baby, unless you had high blood pressure to begin with.

Here's one thing that you can do. Go out and buy yourself a blood pressure machine. "Catch" yourself when you are not feeling anxious, preferably when you are very relaxed or watching television. Give yourself a quick BP check - I'll bet you that it comes out normal! This is what I did when my doctor tried to put me on medication for blood pressure. It was always high when I was in the doctor's office, but when I was at home and felt "normal", it was perfect! When I explained this to my doctor, he realized that it was my anxiety that was causing my blood pressure to rise. Mine used to go up as high as 180/107 or 168/98 - all as a result of panicking! My pulse would get up around 150 - I just can't handle the doctors! They make me so nervous! So check your blood pressure in the comfort of your own home and I bet that you'll be pleasantly surprised!

This is one of the reasons that I feel that I can't have any more children. I'm so worried about my blood pressure readings at the doctor's office that I fear that they will do something drastic to me and my baby when there is no need for it! When in all reality, it's not a medical issue - that's just the way I am!

Good luck and take care of yourself and your baby! You'll be fine!

06-12-08, 22:57
Hi purple monkey firstly congrats!!!! i think theres a few of us expecting on here now, i am 34 weeks with a little boy. My blood pressure has been raised sooo much through out the pregnancy 145/82 resting pulse 102 ish. Doc isnt too concerned but just like you it scares the hell out of me! I had a big bleed at 20 weeks went to A & E and my blood pressure was through the roof, anxiety will push your blood pressure up pregnant or not, for sure. One thing that gets me through is various medical equpiment lol now i am not saying you should be testing all the time but i have a doppler ( for babys heartbeat ) and blood pressure machine, i do my blood pressure every 2 days after resting for 20 mins and its fine, do you have one that you could use?

I really wouldnt worry as i said anxiety will def be the cause not anything to do with you, and as you said blood pressure will be slightly higher because you are pregnant.

Congrats again
