View Full Version : hi

23-06-05, 07:42
hi everyone haven't posted for a while i just needed to write things down before my head explodes. i was diagnosed with post natal depressions in nov 02 when my daughter was 6 months old i was on anti d's and have ended up on them again for the 2nd time around i now wonder if it was pnd or if my depression is caused by other stuff. i have been married nearly 7 yrs to a man who is 18 yrs older than me and i have 2 lovely kids but all my husband does is criticise how i bring them up doesn't help me as i gave up work to be a full time mum when my 2nd child was born he sees everything at home as my work and doesn't see why on his days off he should help me when do i get a day off when ever the kids play up hes there with critacisms i need to give them a smack i need to tell them this that and other but i have got to the point where i just want to hide in a corner i am sick of being caught in the middle as personally i can accept that kids do sometiimes play up i am seriousley starting to want out of this hell of a marriage but i am scared do not know what i would do i have no job so therefore no money and no where to go as i do not get on with my family lets just say things happenend to me as a child that should not have but i am to scared to tell anyone. i do not really have any friends not ones i can talk too what do i do ? i just want out but dont want to be the one who breaks my kids home up do not want them resenting me that they only see there dad at weekends plus i know its silly i just don't want to be alone i am scared .
please any advice wanted
sorry to ramble on

23-06-05, 11:27
hi mandy so sorry how you feel. I realy dont know what to say but sure some femlales on here will give some addvice. I think the way your hubby is thinking and doing is rubbish, I have always done my share at home and know lots of other men who do lots at home. Dont he realise a mothers work is 24/7 non stop? I think he needs help not you. take care. Vernon

23-06-05, 12:14
Hi Mandy, Im not going to go into my background here, but I understand fully what you are talking about. If you want a chat, PM me and I will be more than happy yo talk to you.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

23-06-05, 13:27
Hi Mandy,

I understand that you don't want to be the one who breaks up

the family unit but it's obvious that your husband is treating you really

nasty. I don't know what I'd do in your situation but I would like to think

that if this man-my childrens father is upsetting them as well as me

then I would do whatever I could to protect them even if it meant

splitting the family apart. I don't want this to sound harsh and I am not

judging you in any way but if you think your children are suffering

because of him then what to do next is well worth a lot of thought...

On the other hand could you talk things through with your husband and

tell him how he is making you feel about the way he treats you and then

maybe he might start helping you out a bit more and not critisise you.

Hope you are feeling better soon...xxx

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

25-06-05, 16:29

It is a hard situation to be in but if you really want to leave him then he would have to help you financially at least.

Are you able to discuss your concerns with him atall?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"