View Full Version : ectopic beats and irregular heart rythum

06-12-08, 22:10
I have ectopic heartbeats and irregular heartbeat,just lately i have been so breathless, ive had 2 chest xrays oth normal,FBC-normal, 2 holter mons that showed benign ectopic beats a heart scan that showed normal heart, I cannot breath,the dr has ruledout asthma,i think its no coincidence that the breathlessness coincides with when my heart is beating irregulary/skipping, can a irregular heartbeat cause this breathlessness, can it cause other irregularitys eg atrial fib, will it killme,i get chest pain with it, my auntie had a heart attack at 32, i have normal blood pressure, my bloodoxygen is 97-is that normal,if there was a problem with my heart would it be low? what could be causing the breathlessness,sorry for all the questions.Liz

07-12-08, 11:06
Hi Liz,

Firstly, I just want to say that I know how horrible it is when your heart does weird things. I suffer from missed beats, fast heartrate, flutters, bangs, slow heart rate....you name it. I know how scary it can be when your heart does this and I really feel for you.

BUT....you have had lots of tests and they have all come back normal so take note of this that your heart is healthy and carrying on its duties just like any other normal heart. I would have thought if there had been anything wrong then it would have shown up by now.

I'm glad you went to the docs about being breathless - did he offer any explanation for it? or offer any medication??

I often get breathless but I think it is because I could do with a bit more exercise. I also suffer alot from sinus trouble which makes it hard to breathe too. Also, when my heart skips a bit it can take my breath away which makes my anxious which then makes me breathless!

You are not going to drop down dead or have anything terrible happen - your heart is fine and the tests have confirmed this.

Hope this helps you

Hugs Vicki x

07-12-08, 19:51
thanks for the reply, the dr said it was down to stress and anxiety but i dont understand how being breathless 24/7 can be down to stress etc :-( he gave me antidepresants and diazepam but i am reluctant to take them. xxx

07-12-08, 21:34
I think keep going back to the doctors if you find it hard to breath, or do some of your own research to rule out everything.
i get heart palpitations too and when i get them i feel breathless

08-12-08, 07:49
hi i got this 24/7 aswell , in fact i wake in night with it ,and got it really bad this morning ,i like you have had tests done and told its anxiety which i know is hard to belive when its always there if ever wanna chat can always pm me


08-12-08, 07:50
just wanted to add oxygen levels would be low if anything serious wrong ,i went to a@e other week and dr said my oxygen levels were better than his its so weird

17-01-09, 13:23

I have read your posts and I know what you are going through . . . I was wondering if you can give me an update on your condition / symptoms as I too am plagued with constant anxiety from my condition.

During the last 3 months I have been feeling quite low and off, then during new year I had an episode and was taken to hospital where done an ECG and suggested it was harmless ectopics. Anyway weeks later I have managed to calm down and they have almost dissapeared, but I am still left with strange sensations and cramping in various places in my chest as well as infrequent waking during the night gasping and breathless.

I have been given betablockers (the type you take 3 times a day if you feel you need them) but have not been taking them because the ectopics seem to have stopped . . . I was wondering if I take them they will stop the cramping and help? Any advice would be great as I am in a real state.

I have another appointment with the doctors thursday . . . can all this be stress? I have also noticed that waking breathless can be a tail tail sign for heart fatigue and am worried.

Have your symptons stopped? Do you still on occasion wake up breathless?

Just to top it of my Mums mum died of a heart attack at 55!

Scott Age34 and very worried.

17-01-09, 15:17
Hi, I don't have any heart trouble... But I do wake up from my sleep alot, gasping for air and not being able to breathe. Like I forget to breathe or something?

I had loads of tests done for sleep apnea, and everything was fine and there was nothing blocking my airways or anything. My doctor said it's caused by anxiety and put it down to that, I didn't understand how it was anxiety as it happened when I wasn't anxious.. But it's almost completely gone away now and it's only the odd night, apposed to the previous EVERY night.

It's probably just your anxiety waking you up in your sleep [:

27-04-09, 20:32
I have more or less constant breathless, constant fast heart rate and missed heartbeats every day, i have all kinds of test done on my heart and lungs and they are all fine, they have all said it is anxiety related, i have just started to have physiotherapy at the hospital every two weeks to help with my breathing, if this helps i will let you know, apparently the symptoms are all related, if you dont breath correctly then this can affect your heart rate. Hope your feeling better. Ann

27-04-09, 20:47
when you say if you dont breathe properly this can affect your heart rythm what do you mean?!!? i also suffer with this all though i have been diagnosed with a heart condition so dont listen to me lol xxx

28-04-09, 19:58
I went to see a lung function specialist 3 weeks ago due to 24/7 breathlessness, i had all kinds of tests done and all okay, the doctors are adament that my condition is all due to anxiety, apparantley the way we breathe can affect our heart rate, (mine is fast all the time)such as breathing too shallow, too deep, breathing from our chest, also indigestion, too much adrenaline and anxiety can all affect our heart rate. Its hard to believe that anxiety can make us feel so bad and ill, but it can. take care Ann

28-04-09, 21:04
Hi Guys, like you I experience bumps, thumps,irregular heartrate - in fact I had an episode today & was reaLLY FREAKED OUT. I posted my distress on this website & a fellow sufferer came to my rescue - please take a peek at my thread to read his response. It certainly made me feel alot better.


14-07-13, 08:53
How do you all deal with this?
I'm nearly 10 years on and I'm constantly on edge and just want to cry :(
Hate my life being ruled by this.

14-07-13, 14:36
Vick6, how frequent are your ectopics? I ask because if they're really affecting your quality of life for ten years, sometimes cardiologists will take more permanent measures to get rid of them, if they're very frequent. At least in the states and here they will; I don't claim to understand the workings of the NHS. But the procedure carries risks of its own, and if you're a HA sufferer in general you may not want it anyway.