View Full Version : Im a newbie :)

06-12-08, 22:16
Helloo :) Just I thought I would introduce myself. Im April, 18 from yorkshire.
I suffer from alot of aniexty and recently have been getting loads of panic attacks, also suffer abit from aggraphobia but its partly down to ill health.
Ive been really awful with the panicking the past few days as Ive had a blocked ear and its been worrying me like mad, Ive been having lots of panic attacks and worrying all the time, and getting a tight feeling in my chest and palpitations, which basically makes me panic even more, i've barely slept the past 2 weeks and im literally just at the end of my tether with it all now so thought joining here might help :)

i hate panicking
07-12-08, 08:49
Hi April,
I am also new to this forum,i too suffer from panick attacks which seems to rule my life at the mo.
I seem to be worse at night which is great(not).I still try to do everyday things but it's very difficult especially if i'm out shopping and one starts to come on all i want to do is get home!!!
I so know how you are feeling right now:) and you'll be suprised how many people suffer from it,so you're not alone:).


07-12-08, 16:53
Hi April

:welcome: to NMP, I am sure you will like it here and find a lot of support and information. Chat is fun too.

08-12-08, 20:14
Hi April,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx :hugs:

Vanilla Sky
08-12-08, 22:21
Hi April, glad you found this site im quite new myself and i have found it really helpful here, you can say all your fears to like minded people who understand wher your coming from Paige xx