View Full Version : Flu -like Symptoms When Stopping Citaloprim.

23-06-05, 09:36
I stopped Citaloprim for anxiety about a week ago after tailing it off as per instructions by my Doctor. Over the past three days I have had flu-like symptoms. Very achey and weak also headache. Has anyone else experienced this when coming off Citaloprim and how long did it last.

Any feedback would be very welcome.



23-06-05, 11:29
Hi brian, I havnt stopped meds yet but I do find I get lots of flue like symtoms, dont know if the anxiety causes it or the ssri. tc vernon

23-06-05, 19:49
Hello Brian,

I was on citalopram last year and i stopped taking it at the beginning of this year. I had flu like symptoms, if my memory is right i would say it was for two weeks at the most then i was completely fine.

I hope it works out this way for you
Take care
Donna x

24-06-05, 09:57
Hi Brian,

I've been on Citalopram a few times and have experienced the same when withdrawing. The last time I did the withdrawal thing a LOT slower than advised and moved onto drops to tail the dose in small amounts. The symptoms lasted me for about 2 weeks as with Donna.


24-09-15, 00:38
Same here. I believe I was told to step down a bit every week or so, and each time I cut my dose I had pretty bad flu like symptoms. I remember feeling a lot of dizzy spells and just a general feeling of malaise and lethargy, very similar to being sick. Like the others it may of lasted about 2 weeks until I was feeling normal again.