View Full Version : No One Knows

07-12-08, 00:45
:blush: Hi All

Well the title pretty much sums it up, battled the demon anxiety for 15 years and told no one too ashamed, led a relatively normal life WELL WHATS NORMAL?? be boring if we were all the same.

Had most of the physical, mental symptons described here, I try to stay upbeat, boy the mind is a powerful tool and yes to all out there things can improve.

Worst point (early years) gradually distanced myself from everyone panic stricken might get invited out of my comfort zone WELL I seem to have made a pretty good job of that one!!! I suppose deep down I knew what was happening father (god bless him) died earlier this year he suffered secretly for years.

Had some traumas in the last few years including my partner taking seriously ill with psychotic depression. He's now a voice hearer and some days barely functions, hard for both of us and so goddamm isolating, he really struggles and so do I sometimes.

Its hard been a carer, and so so hard for anyone suffering severe mental health problems.

To sufferers and carers alike I wish you all well.

Thanks to anyone who reads this.

Veronica H
07-12-08, 14:01
:welcome: KWalk, Glad you have found us. This is a friendly and supportive place.


07-12-08, 16:22
Hi KWalk

:welcome: to NMP, I am sure you will like it here and find a lot of support and information. Chat is fun too.

07-12-08, 16:24
hiya and weclome to nmp, u will find loads of support here matey and people you can relate to etc, u will also meet new friends too. hugs xxxxxx

12-12-08, 21:58
:) Thanks folks appreciated

12-12-08, 22:11
Hi Kwalk,

Welcome to NMP