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i hate panicking
07-12-08, 09:23
Hello All :D

I have been suffering from panic attacks for many years although i had it under control for a couple of years it seems to have come back again.
It's especially bad at night,don't ask me why but it just is:weep:.

I have two small children and partner who i love very much and is very patient with me,also i think i may have health anxiety as each time a get a pain or anything i think the worst!
Just everyday life in general or the smallest task just going to the shops can be a chore as soon as i get that feeling in my stomach i know i'm going to have a panic attack,then i just have to get home no matter what i'm doing:blush:.


Diane O'Brien
07-12-08, 09:41
Hello There

:welcome: to this site. You will get some fantastic advice and support.

Take each day as it comes, I look forward to hear more from you.

Take Care

Diane xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:D

Vanilla Sky
07-12-08, 10:25
Hi and welcome you will find on this site that you are not alone. Do you do the deep breaths where your breathing out for longer i find that helps me when the dreaded panic appears. You will get a lot of good support here maybe see you in chat sometime x

i hate panicking
07-12-08, 11:51
Hi Again,

Thanks for all your replys it makes you realise that your not the only person who suffers with this:D.


07-12-08, 16:51
Hi I hate panicking

:welcome: to NMP, I am sure you will like it here and find a lot of support and information. Chat is fun too.