View Full Version : newbie

07-12-08, 12:02
just found a site which looks as though it may be of some help to me. have suffered from anxiety/panic attacks for over 10 years now and at present am going through a really bad patch. main problems lots of aches and pains chest and abdo, anyone else suffer with this as well as a really foggy head. just need to know i am not the only one feeling they going mad:)

i hate panicking
07-12-08, 12:15
Hi Jackie :)

I too am new to this site and i have had panic attacks for years,i had them under control for a few years but has decided to rear it's ugly head again:weep:.

I know exactly where you are coming from the symtoms sound very familiar tight chest, stomach pains some times it's as if you think your going to stop breathing(but actually you won't).

Honestly your not going mad:bighug1:

07-12-08, 13:24
thanks for the replies, it is nice to know other people feel the same:D
just knowing there are other people out there who understand is a great help, i have an understanding partner as well but unless people are going through this i don't think they can really totally appreciate how it feels. looking forward to chatting hopefully. jackie:) :)

07-12-08, 16:24
Hi Jackie

:welcome: to NMP, I am sure you will like it here and find a lot of support and information. Chat is fun too.