View Full Version : The most common symptom?

23-06-05, 11:37
Hello everyone!
Please vote, this means a lot to me.
I have experienced every panic symptom possible and now I'm curious.


23-06-05, 11:59
I was going to check the box for 'i feel sick', but then i had a little think about it, and since my thoughts drive me to the verge of insanity 24/7 I thought the 'unwanted thoughts' option couldn't be dismissed.

Now, the sickness is the most common physical symptom for me, but thoughts are what lead up to the sickness, they cause it in the first place.

If I could pick one, and only one that I could get rid of, it would be the thoughts, no doubt about it.


23-06-05, 12:08
I tend to agree with you mico, its my thoughts that tend to lead to the physical symptoms. Then the more you think the more sypmtoms you find.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

23-06-05, 12:41
The results of this so far are REALLY interesting - upholding my belief that pretty much all the other symptoms come from these unwanted thoughts.

And all these unwanted thoughts are are WORRY, just on a different scale to most people's experience of worry.

I am finding that saying "yeah, so what" to my unwanted thoughts is more effective than countering them with positive thoughts, as what I really want is a time when I don't even notice my thoughts, so filling my head with more thoughts is not really that useful.

So I say, "OK, I have CJD, so what?!" and "OK so I have a brain tumour, so what?!" and "OK, I'll never be well again, so what??!!!!"

Sounds crazy, but it might just work!


*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

23-06-05, 12:47
It's definitely the thoughts with me!! If I didn't think so much, I probably wouldn't have this anxiety!! Good poll Ana :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

23-06-05, 12:55
i would think my most common sympton was chest and breathing probs,then dizzyness

metal,rock, and hardcore music is my life!

23-06-05, 13:14
The symptom I get the most is the dizziness...

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

23-06-05, 13:44
I've voted for 'unwanted thoughts' although these are deep in my subconcious so much of the time.

Interesting that my physical symptoms may be quite different from yours Ana, as I have never been disorientated, felt dizzy or sick etc.

The most prevalent physical problems I have experienced are:-

1. Shakiness
2. Breathing
3. Aching Limbs

I only have some trembling and shaking now, with the occassional nervous breathing. Maybe I'm on that long recovery road which is full of potholes...


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

23-06-05, 17:47
Hi Ray,

My symptoms are very similar to yours now and im definately on the road to recovery. Lets hope we are both getting there. Good Luck

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

23-06-05, 19:50
Thank you, everyone, for voting!
Results are really interesting!
Thanks [^]

23-06-05, 21:13
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
The most prevalent physical problems I have experienced are:-

2. Breathing

<div align="right">Originally posted by clickaway - 23 June 2005 : 13:44:35</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

You sure that's not normal Ray? ;)

23-06-05, 21:43
Can I check them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am Sick of this already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


24-06-05, 04:11
seems in my case that I can tell when the "attack" is coming when I become dizzy.

25-06-05, 15:45
i get all of the symptoms in a bad attack, the worst part of it tho is the feeling that im cracking up.
especially recently, during panic attacks i seem to be able to convince myself that im not having a panic attack, and that i am infact suffering from a psychotic illness, which is quite embarrassing afterwards once ive calmed down.

27-06-05, 02:33
The most common symptoms I have and I think many people have when having a PA are:

1) Pounding heart in the chest...that's the most apparent thing.
2) Hyperventilation...can be very extreme at times...feeling of extreme breathlessness...the most unpleasant and uncomfortable feeling for me so far. Have to go to the tap and put cold water on the face and neck and drink it as well.
3)Negative thoughts...when I realise I'm gonna have a PA and won't be able to control or avoid it
4)Shakiness in the hands and legs when it's really bad.

But the good thing is, after a PA, I feel very relaxed and sleepy. I'm sure to have a very good and one stretch sleep then. So it goes to show that everything in nature has a good and bad side lol.


One day, one day I will beat u and that day, I will be free again, as I was before...

28-06-05, 11:30
Hello, I have just checked the poll results.
They are very interesting. Nobody feels sick....I feel sick when I'm extremly nervous, then my sctomach feels funny, as I am gonna vomit and I can't eat and it's so annoying.[Ugh]
Sam, I have experienced shakiness and breathing problems and it is very nasty, I know. [8)]
But in this poll I wanted to focus on more strange and more mental feelings, like when you feel you are 'not here', like, 'this is not happening', all is unreal, everything is in a blur....sounds familliar?
I feel very tired after a panic attack and I find it really annoying cos I feel sleepy and if PA strikes in the morning I feel tired the whole day...
Thanks again for voting
Best wishes to everyone [:X]

28-06-05, 12:26

I think many people do feel sick but its not the Most distressing symptom and you could only choose one of them.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

28-06-05, 14:56
Hi Ana,


I have had alot of symptoms in the past, I say in the past because
I am alot better NO more panic and no high anxiaty symptoms:D
I voted thoughts because it was the negative thoughs which kept
my PA's going, the last big PA would not stop, the ngative thoughts
kept bringing one after another after another, they only stoped when
my hubby picked me up and took me home.
One of my symptoms was feeling unwell, I would not say "feel sick"
I just felt unwell most of the time. unable to eat.
My daughter sufferd PA, anxiaty for a long time and her main symptom
was feeling sick. She threw up all the time:(
She is also panic free and is doing very will [^]

Thanks again Ana


29-06-05, 16:52
Thank you, Jill for your feedback!

I am glad you and your daughter are panic free. [^]

Lucky you! [:P]

My PA usually stop when I return home, I have them all the time when I'm outside.

Thanks everyone for voting! ;)

Love Ana x x x

15-08-05, 22:11
I experience most of those, but the main being terror and fear, i build myself upto this by negative visualation of the event , like going outside alone!! Until i just can't bear it! I'm trying not to think anymore lol. I feel exahausted after a panic attack, and during, feel very aggitated, i stop breathing and i feel like i don't want to move and just want to cry :( Wish there was a miricle cure. I'm trying hard, but it's amazingly hard for me, because i'm fighting things in my head aswell as my real world.

Good Luck everyone
Love Janey x

"There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid." "Life is 10 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it." Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. "Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing." "Courage is doing what you are afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you are scared." "Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death" "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."

15-08-05, 22:57

I have to say after the fear , I feel sick !! Feels like my stomachs doing cart wheels (not a nice feeling )[V]

16-08-05, 09:25
Jen - tonic water. When you're anxious it makes you produce gas in your tum.

It needs a help of extra gas to help bring it up- a few good swigs of tonic which is more carbonated than other drinks and after a few good burps you'll feel better.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

16-08-05, 11:32
My thoughts tend to trigger everything else. If I could get rid of the thoughts I think most of my other symptoms would be rather minor. It's the thoughts that power them to the extreme.

Check to see that nobody is escaping
To Desolation Row.
(Bob Dylan)


16-08-05, 11:56
Yes AK , You're totally right . Your thoughts do power them to the extreme

The Battle that Rages in my Head (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4149)
Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)
Mind Games (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1789)
obsessive thoughts & anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3096)
Still suffering this damn "suggestive" thing.. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4288)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

05-11-05, 16:53
I'm not sure if everybody suffers from all these: anxiety, panic, stress, depression, but I do. My symptoms are (in no particular order):

Feeling unreal, spaced out
Very tense shoulders and neck
Feeling very tired all the time
Dread of doing anything new, going very far
Sometimes feeling very conscious of myself (hearing myself speak)
Tension headaches
Tight feeling in my chest
Feeling very low
Being very serious and unable to have a good time
Feeling like life is someone else's game and I don't want to play
Feeling very lonely
Feeling like life is a struggle
Always expecting terrible news, accidents to happen
Feeling like my head is swimming or full of smoke
Lack of interest in shaving, personal hygiene (If you've ever read Prozac Nation 'What's the Point? It'll just need doing again')
Feeling like 'What's the Point?'
Diminshed interest in sex
Feeling like I'm posessed (Prozac Nation 'Like my mind's got a mind of it's own')
Feeling like I'm going crazy
Panic that I'm going to die- Panic that one day I really am going to die
Frustration that when I am motivated, nobody else is
Tingling sensation in my head
Heavy limbs
Feeling jealous of people able to lead 'normal' lives
Anxiety that I'll lose control and do something like driving head-on into an oncoming lorry or throw my nephew from a moving car
Anxiety around vulnerable people (old, pregnant, elderly, motorcyclists) in case I lose control and hurt them
Feeling like time is going by really quickly and I'm wasting my life
Worry that I'm secretly seriously ill...
Feeling hysterical
Feeling like crying
Feeling empty
Frustration that whenever I feel better it never lasts

I'm sure there are plenty more, but they are some of the main ones. I have actually been much worse than I am now- I couldn't watch action films/ thrillers, because my adrenaline would start going and I would have a panic attack. I have had vague suicidal thoughts, but thankfully I've been able to snuff them out quite quickly.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

07-11-05, 18:12
the worst thing for me is when my stomach drops then i know things are goign to happen, i cant breath my heart beats hard and fast and i cry for hours, but the most common symtom is probably is the beating heart and breathlessness

25-01-06, 12:40
Terror/Fear, Unwanted Thoughts & Feeling Sick

25-01-06, 19:16
When I had panic attacks mine where hyperventilation, but I ticked spaced out.

Scooties Back

26-01-06, 16:45
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I'm not sure if everybody suffers from all these: anxiety, panic, stress, depression, but I do. My symptoms are (in no particular order):

Feeling unreal, spaced out
Very tense shoulders and neck
Feeling very tired all the time
Dread of doing anything new, going very far
Sometimes feeling very conscious of myself (hearing myself speak)
Tension headaches
Tight feeling in my chest
Feeling very low
Being very serious and unable to have a good time
Feeling like life is someone else's game and I don't want to play
Feeling very lonely
Feeling like life is a struggle
Always expecting terrible news, accidents to happen
Feeling like my head is swimming or full of smoke
Lack of interest in shaving, personal hygiene (If you've ever read Prozac Nation 'What's the Point? It'll just need doing again')
Feeling like 'What's the Point?'
Diminshed interest in sex
Feeling like I'm posessed (Prozac Nation 'Like my mind's got a mind of it's own')
Feeling like I'm going crazy
Panic that I'm going to die- Panic that one day I really am going to die
Frustration that when I am motivated, nobody else is
Tingling sensation in my head
Heavy limbs
Feeling jealous of people able to lead 'normal' lives
Anxiety that I'll lose control and do something like driving head-on into an oncoming lorry or throw my nephew from a moving car
Anxiety around vulnerable people (old, pregnant, elderly, motorcyclists) in case I lose control and hurt them
Feeling like time is going by really quickly and I'm wasting my life
Worry that I'm secretly seriously ill...
Feeling hysterical
Feeling like crying
Feeling empty
Frustration that whenever I feel better it never lasts

I'm sure there are plenty more, but they are some of the main ones. I have actually been much worse than I am now- I couldn't watch action films/ thrillers, because my adrenaline would start going and I would have a panic attack. I have had vague suicidal thoughts, but thankfully I've been able to snuff them out quite quickly.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

<div align="right">Originally posted by wishidfoundthissooner - 05 November 2005 : 16:53:30</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I really feel for you, I have a lot of these symptoms too.
Have you found anything that helps?

Cath x

26-01-06, 23:47
I have to agree with Mico, if there was one symptom I could get rid of it has to be the unwanted thoughts, no matter how much I challenge them, if im in a state of real panic they just appear worse.
i suppose my worst physical symptom has to be my rapid heart beat, but I have had tests and no my heart is ok, just too fast so please, anybody, take away these thoughts.

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

28-01-06, 08:29
Hi - this was interesting - I missed it before having only joined in November.

What I find odd is that the symptoms have changed so much over the years... I used to get classic panic ttacks - fear, palpitations, shaking etc....

At some point it shifted into health anxiety which is much more about unwanted thoughts... what ifs .....

It seems to have come on since I have had some real health problems and am getting better at dealing with the panic attacks it has become less intense but more consistent lower level anxieties more of the time.

The dizziness and de-personalistion are also much more dominant and seem hard to shift. I think people think I'm really weird cos I carry on in the disorientated dizziness and sometimes really don't feel like I know what I'm doing or saying!

I often say I was put on this earth to make other people laugh and feel better about themselves!!!


29-01-06, 20:51
wouldnt it ne nice if there was a button that turned your thoughts off. i feel insaine sometimes. my mind just doesnt stop and i get insomnia, headaches etc then i feel tired the next morning which creates anxiety etc etc viscious circle. get about 4 out 0f 7 good nights sleeps sometimes less. been sleeping well since being on anti dpressants but scared i might not be able to come off them been hearing lots of bad reports

16-04-07, 11:38
I often experience the feelings of being disconnected, and terror, specifically the type of terror feeling unsafe. The feeling I have of being disconnected is one of the most devastating symptoms I have, although I only really get if for a few seconds when I have a panic attack which gets to its strongest point.

19-04-07, 00:44
Mines missing - all day GAD, somedays worse than others.

Although I have to say I could tick more boxes because of the meds I've tried than the problem itself.


Brandy snap
19-04-07, 15:06
My most common symptom is a feeling that my throat is closing up. If I try to clear my throat during one of these episodes it makes it even worse and a sudden rush of terrific heat goes right through me. Brandy Snap

26-04-07, 09:34
Hi Brandy Snap, my symptoms are exactly the same of yours and it is really frightening i am constantly trying to clear my throat but it just feels tighter and tighter and then i feel like i cant swallow. Sucking tunes seems to help as it seems to clear any muccus (disgusting i know) and the doctor recommended a steam cup to inhale hot water. But as you all know it could be another equally terrifying symptom next week as the list seems endless!!!. It is though still your mind causing these symptoms so i would have to vote unwanted thoughts.

Jacqui x

27-04-07, 15:35
My most common symptom is probably the fuzzy tired head feelings that I seem to get nearly every day as it's really hard to describe the feeling :weep:

20-08-07, 05:41
just joined,never beenonone of these forums before
like you said ana ive felt all the symptons to but the one i dread the most and fear and suffer from the most is Depersonalization

20-08-07, 10:13
Shame I could only pick one.

I went for Terror/Fear. But I have all the rest too. In pretty equal measure.

20-08-07, 19:27
Terror and fear for me. Feel like I'm going to die, quite awful really.


25-09-07, 15:05
Mine starts with unwanted thoughts then racing heart accompanied by shakiness and sweating.:mad:

28-09-07, 15:38
i find i feel very dizzy and i get bad headaches too. It always happens when iv have been worrying about stuff a few days before.... i also find at night when i go to sleep my mind is just ticking away..... and im worrying even before bed.... so therefore cant sleep. do you guys not wonder y this has happened to us?? iv been a strong minded person my hole life and just 1 day..... bam i had an attack and iv been anixous every since. Its just urfull.

Serena xx

23-10-07, 03:03
feeling dizzy is actually a common symptom.

it normally means either your blood pressure is up (heart palputations) or you havent been eating enough your blood sugars are down.

try to eat a bit more and drink a nice cup of tea and a biscuit ...but note...sometimes this will make you feel sick.

23-10-07, 06:11
HI Jesterx - caffeine (tea) and sugar (biscuit), I'd have reservations about. Diet I totally agree with, if you don't eat properly then its a in road for anxiety.


11-11-07, 20:54
Hello :)

Tough call - I went for 'feeling dizzy', but it was a close call with 'feeling spaced out' and depersonalisation.

Aaarrgghhh :madness:

11-11-07, 20:56

Yet another one where I didn't look at the original date and now feel like a wally! :blush:

Granny Primark
11-11-07, 21:36
lol swan

terror and fear is definitely top of my list.
Then irrational thoughts are a close second.

Take care


21-12-07, 01:28
Hi Ana,

My stinking thinking gets me every time!
Good luck with your research.
best wishes,

28-12-07, 11:51
Some times I just feel extremely tense all day like I can't let go.
When I get panic attacks they start with my stomach clenching up then my throat then I get the cold pins and needles feeling run through my body and tension in my head then I feel my heart starting to race.
But I think they come on when I get a fleeting thought of the last attack run through my mind.

22-01-08, 08:34
Hi this is a good poll, but I wanted to choose more than one !!

I chose the one that scares me the most :- depersonalization :blush:

But then I suppose that could also be fear cause when I get it the fear
strikes........then the dizziness !!!!

Take care Christine. :flowers:

arcturus rex
12-03-08, 12:30
As others, I cannot simply choose one of the choices in the poll.

What bothers me is the helplessness I feel when a panic attack is developing. The more I try to resist, the more intense it gets. I also hate the fact that every bodily sensation -in my perception- becomes a life threatening symptom. Red flags go up uncontrollably and panic ensues. One more thing I hate is when other people are around and I have to pretend that nothing is happening when I have a hell inside me.

25-03-08, 14:04
I can't tick any of the options because surely the option 'I can't breathe' is missing??


11-04-08, 15:29
I ticked a box, but in all honsesty I would ticked all of them ! lol

14-05-08, 11:14
I put unwanted thoughts but i also awanted to put the terror/fear one too.

Cathy V
19-05-08, 14:02
I did tick terror/ fear box, but really the main symptom for me is the ectopics:huh:
Cathy xx :)

19-05-08, 16:50

I put Fear, but would have checked sad & depressed, dizzy,
spaced out, and depersonalization if it would have let me.

Isn't that lovely ? I'm just waiting for the fellows in the white coats and the straight-jacket :wacko:.


01-06-08, 04:26
Dizziness definitely at the top, shaking a close second.


milly jones
17-06-08, 18:00
this was a toss up for me between unwanted thoughts and sad and depressed

hard one

love milly xx

28-06-08, 11:07
I really only seem to have ectopic heartbeats now, and they lead to anxiety


21-07-08, 07:19
Myns Defo Tha Unwanted Thoughts

ii h8 it

they jst wont go away :mad:

ii feel like im goin mad and need 2 b put in2 a mental hospital or sumfin:weep:

its ruining my life

and its also causin me not 2 sleep like now...i havent had any sleep last nyt

in tha last 2 days ive had 5 6 hours :weep:

grr just dunoo wt 2 do :( xx

09-08-08, 08:24
Mine in is the lump in the throat..........Convinced I have another medical condition

However I do Get:

Lump in the throat (goes when i eat for a while)
Excess burping
Brain ticking all day long no matter what I do
Panic Attacks
Stomach ache like squeezing pain in my ribs
Muscle aches in back (feels like I have been working out)

IS this really anxiety or do I have something else?

09-08-08, 08:49
I'm not sure if everybody suffers from all these: anxiety, panic, stress, depression, but I do. My symptoms are (in no particular order):

Feeling unreal, spaced out
Very tense shoulders and neck
Feeling very tired all the time
Dread of doing anything new, going very far
Sometimes feeling very conscious of myself (hearing myself speak)
Tension headaches
Tight feeling in my chest
Feeling very low
Being very serious and unable to have a good time
Feeling like life is someone else's game and I don't want to play
Feeling very lonely
Feeling like life is a struggle
Always expecting terrible news, accidents to happen
Feeling like my head is swimming or full of smoke
Lack of interest in shaving, personal hygiene (If you've ever read Prozac Nation 'What's the Point? It'll just need doing again')
Feeling like 'What's the Point?'
Diminshed interest in sex
Feeling like I'm posessed (Prozac Nation 'Like my mind's got a mind of it's own')
Feeling like I'm going crazy
Panic that I'm going to die- Panic that one day I really am going to die
Frustration that when I am motivated, nobody else is
Tingling sensation in my head
Heavy limbs
Feeling jealous of people able to lead 'normal' lives
Anxiety that I'll lose control and do something like driving head-on into an oncoming lorry or throw my nephew from a moving car
Anxiety around vulnerable people (old, pregnant, elderly, motorcyclists) in case I lose control and hurt them
Feeling like time is going by really quickly and I'm wasting my life
Worry that I'm secretly seriously ill...
Feeling hysterical
Feeling like crying
Feeling empty
Frustration that whenever I feel better it never lasts

I'm sure there are plenty more, but they are some of the main ones. I have actually been much worse than I am now- I couldn't watch action films/ thrillers, because my adrenaline would start going and I would have a panic attack. I have had vague suicidal thoughts, but thankfully I've been able to snuff them out quite quickly.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

I get all of that too so couldnt pick out any specific from the poll to vote, however I shall go back after reading this thread and put 'unwanted thoughts'. Like many of you I think they lead to all the other symptoms. The worst for me is feeling like im going to harm others, like my 8 yr old Nephew whom I totally adore :weep:

Glad to say though, these days im much much better and no longer get those thanks to the meds :yesyes:

09-08-08, 09:20
my worst symtoms would be fear! fear of having a health problem fear i'll go crazy! I some times feel kinda spacy and not my self,

13-08-08, 17:29
I think a lot of my symptoms stem from 'Unwanted Thoughts' leading to Sadness & Depression.

15-09-08, 02:54
Hi all, I agree as well that the thoughts lead to the feeling sick part. If I could get rid of the thoughts I wouldn't feel sick, lol, and if I didn't feel sick I might not have some of those thoughts. what a circle

15-09-08, 07:05
My most common symptom is feeling like everything is different, sort of feel detached from reality and my vision just kinda "looks different." Depersonalization I guess. Sometimes (the last 3 days) I went through periods of feeling it constantly for hours, haven't had it today though. :) I think lack of sleep had something to do with it.

16-09-08, 20:41

This is tough I think mine has to be dizziness/lightheads which then starts off the unwanted thoughts, then it leads to the anxiety which leads to the sleepless nights, depersonalisation etc etc etc..................................
its like a bad acorn instead of the lovely tree it grows into a bloomin big black cloud that overtakes your whole being, theres no rhyme or reason to it, its horrible.

28-09-08, 17:59
I get scared when I think my pets are ill and have to check to make sure they are eating, drinking and going to the loo as they should.

28-09-08, 19:49
when you guys say you feel sick- can you describe that??

30-09-08, 15:33
I agree although I voted for terror and fear this is caused by thoughts which constantly dement me as well the constant worry the constant will this casue more anxiety etc

07-10-08, 07:13
mines would have to be fear because it still frightens me so much. But your probably all right on hindsight its the thoughts that cos my fear in the first place.

10-10-08, 06:37
when you guys say you feel sick- can you describe that??

Depends if out say eating just nausea, then runs IBS etc. Sometimes can be heady feeling too.

16-10-08, 13:24
I get the dizziness more than anything but then depersonalization is also a pain for me and more recently nausea too.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, why do we let anxiety do this to us?
It's like living with an abusive partner!

16-10-08, 13:29
Hi everyone,

When i first entered this page i was about to tick dizzyness but it is probably the unwanted thoughts that trigger that. Its the dizzyness i hate most because it makes me feel like and think i am going to pass out, so the dizzyness makes for more unwanted thoughts. I think symptoms are liked to each other, each making each other worse.

Does that make sense or am i just crazy?


29-10-08, 10:38
i voted for ' unwanted thoughts' because somenights when im trying to sleep i get these horrible images of people dying, and blood, and murders its horrible, it makes me feel like a bad person,
good poll.

07-11-08, 16:54
Hi all,

I feel the dizziness is probably the most common symptom as it seems to be related to (or induced by) so many of the other symptoms, e.g. agrophobia.


24-11-08, 23:30
It's a tie between depersonalization and unwanted thoughts, but i chose dp anyways.

25-11-08, 23:39
I went for Unwanted thoughts but it use to be panic attacks.

17-12-08, 21:46
'Unwanted thoughts' is the most common symptom for meon that list my most common to me is breathing difficulties. It starts off all the other symptoms like muscle cramping, dizziness, tingling .....

27-12-08, 12:27
Hello my first few days on this website, i would have to say the sickness feeling all the time, i thought that there was some underlying problem but i was told its part of my panic attack symptoms which i found hard to come to terms with. i cant enjoy anything and need help which is why i came here. SO i would say yes definately sickness is my main thing

07-01-09, 03:34
Scary thoughts that make me feel sick and shake. This is helpful!

17-01-09, 23:17
I think Nausea/ibs type feelings I experience nearly all the time, its like that underlying, nervous feeling that becomes kind of 'normal'.

When I get into a stronger state of panic, I often feel like my throat is closing, or theres a big lump in it, the nausea gets worse, I start feeling like I can't breathe, and I start getting a strange feeling/unwanted thought that I might pass out, or scream out loud, or lose control.

Deepest Blue
21-01-09, 08:24
I voted for Terror and Fear, a lot of things frighten me because over the years I've been so hurt that I am in complete fear of being hurt by everybody and anything, no matter who and what, I hate this feeling...

05-02-09, 21:53
It starts in the mind with a little seed of worry which grows quickly into a bif old tree of worry - my main symptoms are a deep burning in the pit of my stomach its very uncomfortable not like a sickness it just burns and i shake and i want too avoid whatever it is that gives me the burning i try too float through the panic and it does help somewhat but its hard.

17-02-09, 12:44
With me it's the feeling sick. I think because I have a fear of vomiting is the thing that sets it off in me when anxious, just wish I could get over it and maybe have a more "normal" life

28-02-09, 18:02
i cant really click any of them because i get all of them the main ones for me are terror/fear and unwanted thoughts i am going through a really bad time now which i am experiencing all of them symptoms which is really horrible:weep:

09-07-09, 12:23
I voted "fear" as I have a feeling of impending doom when I have an attack and my heart races and I cant breathe. The fear then feeds on itself.

01-08-09, 09:36
fear of impending/imminent doom/severe illness :unsure:

02-08-09, 09:23
intense unexplanable fear i experience can be discribed like that:

Something is terribly wrong, but i dont know what it is and cant explain it !!!!

The time during this feeling it ticking and every second seems the last one.
All the noises are very loud, all the senses are 10 times more vigilent and the head is spinning...


02-08-09, 20:06
Hi, i'm new. mine is terror/fear. I really cant control it and when it calms down my whole body starts to feel weak and achy and i just wanna flop to the floor and cry. Does anyone else feel like that and does anyone EVER have a full day when they don't feel anxious? I just wish i could at the minute.

04-08-09, 22:39
Hi, mine is terror/fear too. I have a sence of dread that something awful is going to happen and I can't relax or enjoy life. Have felt like this for months. Even tonight as I've had a few goodish days in a row I can't relax as I am wondering when this good spell will last - so maybe it's really unwanted thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!

17-08-09, 13:48
I have an awful cold feeling under my skin, and non-sweaty heat on my arms and last night was in the nape of my neck -so hot. :( :ohmy: I've imagine skin cancer so many times too.

18-08-09, 00:19
Terror and fear is the most common for me and the worst

19-08-09, 16:34
Dizziness is always with me

20-08-09, 02:07
I have pretty much experienced all the symptoms but the most would be dizziness and constant fear. I fear death sooo much....constant think I am goin to die and always feel like Im a walking zombie....I hate it sooo much.

07-09-09, 16:23
Tough Poll

I get them all and more

11-09-09, 00:26
Maybe I'm on that long recovery road which is full of potholes...

yes im the same just starting to recover after 10 horrid months

my worst symptoms are:

strange and weird thought processes
waking in the night (feel like cant breathe)
more worrying about strange thoughts
sometimes cant keep still like rocking back n forth slightly
recently developed a cockey attitude (know all)

9 months ago i had over 15 symptoms.

Theres one thing i have noticed on this site, and that's how nice everyone is :)

watch this video it shows you the funny side of anxiety...

05-10-09, 10:21
Mine would be feeling of fear/terror but these then lead to unwanted thoughts!

but thats what anxiety is, feeling of apprehension and fear and Worry!!


05-10-09, 20:15
Mine right now is terror/fear. I get heart palps too. :sad:

06-10-09, 05:18
when I panic, then there are extrasystoles