View Full Version : here come the black clouds....again!!!

07-12-08, 16:30
Hi everyone
my name is Jenny and I am a married mum of two,I have suffered with depression/anxiety for many years on and off.
I am usually successfully treated with lustral,and my usual trick is to feel fantastic,back to normal,miss a few pills then figure I'm fine without them....see how it goes sort of thing...

Anyway a couple of weeks ago after a few months off the pills and after a lot of stress in my life the black cloud was back...
Always know there is trouble ahead when I start questioning why we are all here?
As soon as this happened I started to take the lustral left over in the cupboard,side effects usually affect me via the bowels (tmi sorry!!) but this time it was the anxiety side effect they warn you about that hit me like a sledge hammer...also felt really detached,like I am not controlling me but instead some outside force is that wants to harm me...
2 weeks on lustral now and I am getting moments off "normal" feelings but I find that after the trauma of anxiety and depression hitting it takes a while to stop thinking of the way it terrified me and made me feel,its like I don't want to stop worrying or feeling afraid as something might sneak up on me to show me there is a reason to feel afraid (that make sense to me if no-one else...)
Anyway thats me there are loads of other things i want to say/ discuss but think it might be more suitable for other threads....


07-12-08, 18:18
Hi Jenny

:welcome: to NMP.
I can totally relate to how you are feeling at the moment, like yourself I take medication and used to get to the point of thinking that I was ok, stop them and started on a downward spiral, only to have to try and pick myself up and start the meds again. I now make sure I take my meds regularly.
I am sure you will like it here and find a lot of support and information. Chat is fun too.

08-12-08, 04:17
Hi Jenny,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :hugs:

08-12-08, 04:58
hai jenny thanks for your support and comment. i'm new in this site. its very hard to live with this conditions isn it.. its very hard for me


08-12-08, 12:52
Welcome Jenny - its good to have you with us.

Just picture me like Terry Wogan (the voice please, not the body !). When I'm here I answer a lot of Q's but like good old 'Tel, I just don't know when to stop ;)

Welcome, Bonjour, Caio, Wilkommen, Hola. And if you think I'm good at languages I can just about scrape by ordering beer as well as I say hello.

Good to see you,


08-12-08, 17:03
hai jenny 123, is its ok if i PM you ?.
I new here and i still don't have any friend.
But its ok if you don't want to, no pressure.. may be some other time.

08-12-08, 20:39
of course you can my love..