View Full Version : Please Help, I am going mad with worry!!!

07-12-08, 16:36
Over a week ago i came in from work really tired and fell asleep on the couch, when I woke up I had this horrible crawly, tickly feeling down the leftside of my face, head, neck and shoulder. I also felt very irriatable.
As the week went on this sensation got worse, its went into my arm and even in my leg. It is not like pins and needles but more tickly and I also started feeling abit sick.
Anyway I went to the doctors and she checked me over, checked my reflexes, blood pressure, neck, head, temp, ears and strength. She assured me all was ok, by this time I had convinced myself that it was something terrible. She said she thought I had an aggravated nerve and to take ibruphen and it would clear up in a few days.
Anyway a few days later it was even worse, I was constantly thinking about it, so I went back to the doctors and saw someone else, I told him my symptoms and how they were only on one side, how i felt irritable and even aggressive, the feeling was making me want to smash my own head off a wall to try and relieve some of the pressure. He had a look at my notes and said he was sure there was nothing serious, that perhaps something physical had happened and now my anxiety was making the symptoms work. I got really upset by this and said that everything was always put down to anxiety and I couldn't cope with this constant sensation. He perscribed me a tablet called Gabapentin in a really low dose as it can be used to dull down the nerve sensations, in high doses it is used for epilepsy, But he did say he did not think I had an aggravated nerve, contridicting the other doctor.
So I have been taking it for a few days but it hasn't really made any improvement, today the sensation is at an all time high and is dominating my every thought.

I wondered if anyone else had experienced anything similar? and if so how long it lasted for. I cannot get it out of my mind that there is something seriously wrong with, I have thoughts of MS, Stroke, Motor Neurons, CJD, just all sorts.

I did have a brain scan a while ago which was normal, but when I asked the doctor whether this would show up MS he said not necessarily.

I am so sorry for the long winded thread, I am just passed myself, I am so frightened and so exhausted from thinking about it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this
Rebecca xx