View Full Version : numb tongue issue!!!!

07-12-08, 16:51
I am new here and I was wondering if anyone has some advice with a fixation I seem to have developed.....I should say I have suffered with anxiety/depression for years..
Anyway 3 years ago in January I had my son via a c-section,a couple of days later i was sitting in bed (not depressed,stressed,anxious etc) when my tongue started to tingle and then went numb...called a nurse over,I wasn't panicked by it and explained what was happening...she suggested I may have bitten it (idiot) said I had not so she said a doctor would be asked to look at it.....
Slept for a couple of hours and when i woke it had returned to normal,doctor came round asked me to screw my face up (i don;t know why) said she did not know what caused it and went on her way after telling me not to worry (thanks hun)....
Anyway a couple of weeks ago I started feeling depressed,anxious and thought it would be a good idea to jump back on the lustral (some left in cabinet) had horrid side effects (still am,though not as bad)one of those effects (i'm assuming) was a pins and needles feelin in throat it soon passed but I found myself mentally back in that hospital bed the night my tongue went numb and since then I have become fixated as to why it happened at all and worse then that I am paranoid that any secound my tongue will go numb and I will die.....

I guess if there were a medical reason it happened that was explaine at the time I could put a lid on it but it was never really discovered why it happened....truly can say when it happened I was not anxious or anything.....was recovering from surgery etc so don't know if that holds any clues
Anyway did not bother me for three years but since my depression returned it has become an urgent question in my head and an irrational fear it will happen any secound now......
Any suggestion anyone.....
thanks for reading my rant

07-12-08, 18:10
Sorry to see your post. Taking things in order its probably not uncommon to have temporary or significant side effects from giving birth especially c-section as you will have had lots of meds, anasthesia and your hormones will be changing hugely without the natural nudge that labour gives them. I am sure our female members may be able to add more...

The test thing about moving your face is looking for other signs or neurological (ie. brain) or nerve effects which might have been a complication of the surgery or meds. Most things that affect the brain are lopsided in effect and so give lots of clues if your movements are uneven, weak or erratic. So he was probably checking for bad things that might have been hinted at by the tingling. Apparently you passed the test so less worries there. Also you have passed through 3 years without incident so its not too likely that something bad was going on.

You mentioned going back on a medication. Depending how old the pills were they might be ineffective or a bit odd so go careful. Also depending on the dosage you may have started them quite abruptly. A lot of the a/ds like us to ramp up the dose slowly to give the body/brain time to adapt. This might make the side effects worse, or even just your anxiety/depression worse in the short-term.

Without wanting to nag you the irrational fear of the tongue sensation and anxiety about it is classic for many sufferers. Your depression/anxiety had found something to latch onto and focus all of its affects through. That does not make your feelings less real or severe BUT it does make it much less likely that a) anything bad is going on and b) that the tongue thing is a symptom of it. Its not impossible but it has been THREE years where you have not even thought about your tongue!

It not really my place but I'd guess that the cyserian & birth were big things to you - a big mixture of positive and negative emotions - and so it may be that its the most recent upheaval your depression & fear could latch on to and the tongue thing was the oddest part of it.

Another thought - tingling is listed as a withdrawal symptom for lustral so it might all be related to the meds depending on when you were on them.

Also if we believe Wikipedia the medication (like many a/ds) can also cause anxiety or anxiety like symptoms (akathisia) especially in the short term but for some worse than the depression they originally had. So consider if you fell worse with anxiety since taking them. It would probably be best to discuss the medication and side effects with your GP especially if they have any sympathy/competence (which is admittedly rare). I've had escitalopram for depression (and general anxiety) and would say thats its either helped the anxiety or atleast made it no worse so it may be worth discussing alternatives with your GP. You may need an a/d that is more sympathetic to your anxiety this time around.

07-12-08, 19:09
I had two c-sections as well, so I know how the recovery goes with those! The problem with your tongue may have been a side effect of the pain medication. That happened to a few of my friends. Pain medication can certainly do some funny things to you!!:) If it was something serious or life threatening, you would have known about it 3.5 years ago....since all of this time has gone by, I think you're safe in assuming that it was a fluke!