View Full Version : Breathing Techniques

23-06-05, 11:38

Would anyone (admin/moderators maybe?) be kind enough to post where I can find information about the different breathing techniques for us PA people. I've just quickly read about 4/4 and 7/11 breathing, abdominal breathing but would like more details on how to practise them...and which is the best to start with? I suffer from panic attacks and random anxiety, and I know I have to retrain myself to breathe normally again when I'm anxious specially.

Thanks a lot, Sam :).

One day, one day I will beat u and that day, I will be free again, as I was before...

23-06-05, 12:51
TOPIC_ID=1558&[Link removed invalid url]

Check that out Sam :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

23-06-05, 14:47
I have the No Panic tape on breathing - just costs a £1. I believe it is still played over their helpline 10pm to 10am.

Phone 0808 808 0545 to listen.


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

23-06-05, 14:59
Well done physco2000

I was going to ask the same thing.

Thanks for the answers all.


23-06-05, 15:30
Thanks a lot peeps. Gonna get to work on that as soon as possible [^] .
Right now it's too hot and I just wanna chill :D


One day, one day I will beat u and that day, I will be free again, as I was before...

23-06-05, 17:31
Good luck with it Sam - you will get the hang of it!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

24-06-05, 14:07
Hi Sam, Im Deeko, i posted this in the anxiety forum regarding the 7 - 11, its very imformative!
click on link:
How Do You Do The Breathing (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4042)

Take Care Dee.

24-06-05, 14:11
I use the breathing technique that Ray has already suggested and I find

that one works for me. You can either ring the free number to listen to

the tape or phone the office to get a copy for £1.

No Panic Office phone number 01952 590005

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

27-06-05, 23:43
Thanks peeps, just been back from a week away to my gf's place. So gonna check all this out.

I have been extremely on the upperhand of my condition. I have forced myself to learn to control any incoming PA's by keeping calm and breathing slow. I have also forced myself to travel in the train and coach although these are confined places and I remember I had a very nasty PA on a crowded train a month back. SInce then, no more PA's on the train. I am learning, but I am also practising a lot what I am learning and that is exremely important, so regain self confidence quickly and to keep the condition in check, if not, completely beat it!

So ladies and gents, remember this, mind over matter, it does work u know!


One day, one day I will beat u and that day, I will be free again, as I was before...

27-06-05, 23:46
Sam - Great stuff . Well done for pushing yourself .

Glad you're learning fast..and seeing the results.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

28-06-05, 00:18
Thank for the encouraging words Meg.


One day, one day I will beat u and that day, I will be free again, as I was before...

28-06-05, 12:36
You're doing great - Sam. Its good to see.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...