View Full Version : Blood on Toilet Paper

07-12-08, 18:15
Does anyone know about this and is it something to worry about?

I am 36 and think I think I might have an internal hemorrhoid leftover from my two pregnancies (last one 3.5 yrs. ago). I've noticed once in awhile I'll have a drop or two of blood on the TP when I have a movement--usually the harder kind.

Suddenly it started to worry me a lot after someone mentioned if you have blood in your stool, then it's really serious. Can someone please calm my anxiety? What are the real symptoms associated that I should worry about? I do have some symptoms of IBS such as intenstinal spasms (not painful) and bloating.

07-12-08, 18:31
If the blood is bright red i.e. fresh blood, then it is more than likely to be a slight bleed from piles, if the blood is darker, then it usually signifies a bleed from further up the bowel. I am not in anyway medically trained and only know these signs from personal experience, but your doctor would be able to give you a quick check and advise you further if you are worried. Not a bad idea to get it checked though. Hope this helps.

07-12-08, 18:46
i agree with ddcoo
go to ur gp and explain this to him/her and they will usually do a quick examination of ur bottom,its quite possible a pile or a slight anal tear but better off avin peace of mind for urself tht u wont be panicking as much take care hope alls well

xxxx caz

07-12-08, 18:59
I have heard that blood in the stool itself usually causes black stool. If it's red in color and only found on the toilet paper, it usually means that it is external. Sometimes when you have a difficult bowel movement, it could also irritate the area, which may cause some small blood spots on the toilet paper. Wiping excessively could also cause blood spots.

I think that you're letting your anxiety get the best of you, but since you had internal hemorrhoids from a previous pregnancy, it wouldn't hurt to have the doctor check it out. Maybe they can suggest something to tame those horrible hemorrhoids! But I wouldn't worry about it being something more serious!

07-12-08, 19:26
hi i have this happen to me 4 nearly 8 years. i actually have a "pile" i call it my nugget! lol. it bleeds bout 3 times a year, bright red blood on the tissue paper. this happened about 3 weeks ago, and because of my anxiety being sky high i was straight to the doctors!! it had never bothered me before, as i knew what it was. anyway, yes bright red blood on the tissue is piles, he asked me if it was internal or external, i said it was external, he asked if i had a name 4 it!!! i asked him what the symptoms of bowel cancer were, as that was what i thought i had! he said the main symptom is terrible diarhhoera (sorry for the spelling!) for atleast 6 weeks, and blood in the stool which is hard for us to see. so please stop worrying, u prob have a "nugget" like me!! xxx

07-12-08, 22:50
Thank you very much for your reassuring advice and info. The blood is visible periodically on the TP, always a small amount and fresh/red when it's been a hard movement, so I will assume it is the pile and hope to get up the courage to speak to my GP about it. Thank you!