View Full Version : Has anyone experienced this ?

07-12-08, 19:33
Was on my work's xmas night out sat and drank too much and as expecte today my health anxiety is through the roof thinki i gona die. As well as a racing pulse i have felt really weird the only way i can describe it as shaking inside, a sort of inner fitting i cant stay still or relax its horrific. Would this be adrenaline ? If it is it lasts for days sometimes before subsiding what exactly is it :ohmy:

07-12-08, 21:59
i would suggest adrenaline and the shakes from a hang over! Drinking is dreadful, if you suffer hangovers - I have tried to cut down on my drinking to lessen the hang overs as I feel pants for days! Lots of people feel like this. Take some Vitamin Bs and some milk thistle for a few days - you should start to feel better quickly!:hugs:

07-12-08, 22:10
I get the worlds worst hangovers. Infact i went out last night & its what ten pm and i am still sick & today my health anxiety is crap.

I am now never drinking again

07-12-08, 22:45
Hi Nicola
Do u think that it is adreneline ? Is this dangerous?

08-12-08, 10:52
Personally mine is just nothing more than a hangover (drinking too much white wine a drink i have always avoided as it doesn't suit me).
I have decided to quit alcohol for a while...well the wknd binge drinking as its making me feel so down and fed up & that hangover yesterday really put me off as i have never felt so sick ever.

Getting drunk has made my anxiety worse again & the palpitations & low mood have started again.

Booze is not great for anxiety sufferers xxx