View Full Version : Permenant panic attack

07-12-08, 19:42
People talk about panic attacks and how they flare up and go away, my experience is different. Its always the same cycle after a night out the following day is horrfic it is like a permenant panic attack, i get the racing pulse, a feeling like i am fitting and shaking inside (is this a adrenline surge)but it lasts over a day and really gets to me. I have been diagnosed as health anxiety and panic disorder, is this one long panic attack ? does anyone else have this

07-12-08, 20:52
Mine seems to start around 3-4 pm and stays with me all day. I think it's generalized anxiety. Makes sense for me because I'm a worrier. I've had it for 6 months straight and wound up in the ER twice and they said it was panic attacks and I was just like "riiiight." But it must be considering nothing else has happened yet. Best thing I can suggest, is to try to keep your mind occupied, play a game..course reading for me seems to make it worse. I have to have something "Mindless" to do. Like Tri peaks solitaire.

I have mostly difficulty breathing and it feels like my throat is closing up, that's the worst symtom for me. But from what I've read and some people I've spoken to here have had the same exact thing, I know how unbearable it can be, just have to find meds that work for you. I've been through three so far, so hopefully this one will be it.

Good Luck with feeling better <3

07-12-08, 21:13
Thanks i had no idea panic attacks where so horific all of my body feels tense and adrenaline surges are nasty to say the least. I have the night now which is the worse time for me jolting, waking up heart racing etc

07-12-08, 21:26
maybe it is bad anxiety? I tend to get bad anxiety where my heart race's, I feel dizzy and just constant fear!

07-12-08, 22:17
I totally understand that. Mine didnt seem to go away. I had mine all day. I honestly wanted to take my life. I had a christian healing from my mother and a lot of my anxiety has worn off. I still get stressed though and I cry. I also have an addiction to doing puzzles because they make me feel better. I can honestly do them all day. Dont know whats wrong with me :(

07-12-08, 22:42
Thanks bexster its tough, espicially when u think its not anxiety but something else