View Full Version : Vibrating head/brain

07-12-08, 19:49

has anyone else got a vbrating feeling in their head (not sure how else to describe it really). It comes and goes, I don't have it every day, but sometimes few times a day. Mainly when I feel tired. Little bit scary really. Would like to know if anyone else has this. Mine seems to come with some dizziness and then my anxiety kicks back in.



08-12-08, 02:20
Is it like a very fast but minor shake?

08-12-08, 08:37
Yes it is. Like a buzzing

10-12-08, 20:49
i have this to and apparently its called a brain zap and can be related to the medication you may on, im on venaflaxine and i get mine funny head when i look round to quick and again when im tired on due on my monthly period, its uncomfortable but i can cope with it

10-12-08, 21:23
im considering taking this med (venlafaxine) but scared bcos of this head shake symptom, is it rly awful?

10-12-08, 23:36
I am not on medication though. But had my period when I had it and felt tired haven't had it for two days now