View Full Version : Horrific Symptom

07-12-08, 20:13
Hi Guys
Does anyone ever experience a constant type of inner shaking ? Almost like i am having a fit on the inside. I get it the follwing day if i have had a lot to drink, is this adrenalne ? Is it dangerous ? It feels like one long panic attack all day it is horrific.

07-12-08, 20:23
I to have had this and it is totally normal of anxiety its just the adrenalin causing this. just try to relax and calm yourself down it will subside intime.

Diane O'Brien
07-12-08, 20:46
Hi Pele

It also could be the fact that alcohol causes dehydration and lowers blood sugar levels, nothing to worry about and eating regularly the day after can help prevent the shakes. Not the easist thing to do with a hangover I know but sometimes good carbohydrates can stop the shaking.

Unfortunately alcohol and anxiety don't mix:weep: a bummer I know cause them first few drinks go down so well don,t they. I to have woke up feeling 10 times worse because of alcohol, also not good with me because of depression as well.

Take Care

Diane xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-12-08, 21:33

I also find that my anxiety is a million times worse after a night out/drinks...I stopped drinking for quite a few months of this year and did feel better for it. But then I started to enjoy a few drinks at home, Friday night in the pub and felt terrible afterwards. I get awful hangovers anyway, but the anxiety is terrible.

Maybe take a bit of a break from the booze and see if it makes you feel better? I know though a couple of glasses of wine can make everything feel good...but it's short lived!


07-12-08, 21:41
I wake up with it every morning. Its like i am vibrating from the inside out. Its odd, but i try to ignore it.

I do have it during the daytimes too.

07-12-08, 22:14
I get it often. I know, I hate it. I just want to feel myself again.

24-12-08, 06:39
Hi. Alcohol is a depressant. Too much of it and as it escapes your system then you will feel down and the physical discomfort plus the depression can trigger panic attacks. This can be made particularly worse if you put yourself in situations, in my experience , the following day which can lead to panic attacks. Going out socialising again to a restaurant etc, a football match or religious service etc can be not the best places to go with a hangover anyway but when you have anxiety issues they can be a nightmare.
Really when its that bad my advice is for a day or 2 after while your still feeling down and not yourself try and stay away from such occassions.
Ultimately stopping drinking is the only way to stop hangovers but of course the hard and fast are not always acceptable in reality.
So ways to decrease a hangover 101 are : Drink plenty of water before (if possible during) and after drinking so that you wake up hydrated. Dehydration is the biggest contributing factor to a hangover. Basically it robs the body of essential salts and sugars and leaves you in a bad way. It takes a certain discipline to do it but just remember how bloody terrible the next will be otherwise.
Know your limits with the booze. When you think your starting to knock them a back a bit too sharply take a step back and put the breaks on.
Make sure you've had plenty to eat before drinking as this soaks up the booze.
Mixing drinks ie: spirits, beer, shots, wine, cider etc is never good. Try sticking to one particular drink. This reduces the chmical imbalance in your system.
Reducing or eliminating smoking also reduces the amount of chemicals in the blood.
Hair of the dog does not work. It only delays your hangover. And your alcohol levels will be so high already in your blood that it will be difficlut to get intoxicated again so whats the point?

I really hope that is of any help to anyone and I hope I start following my own advice.

25-12-08, 19:32

I get this when i wake up in the night! Everytime! Its not nice no but have learnt to live with it!

Take care

Cassi23 xxx