View Full Version : It's happend again!

23-06-05, 12:13
Hi all,

Well first thing is first thank you to Kimmy for our chat yesterday it was very informative and Kimmy has now made me realise that i have a drink problem so i know i need to get help with that. I now know that it isn't right to wake up in the morning with the shakes just because you need a can.
I have made a doctors appointment to talk things over and i have also changed my GP as he was complete and utter rubbish as he never listend to what i had to say at all. I went out last night to Chicargo Rock to see a tribute band of Bon Jovi and they were gr8 :D:D:D the other reason that i need to get sorted with this drink is because i woke up this morning at 7am on my front room floor with a blanket as me and the fella had a huge fall out when i came back and so i refused to sleep in the same bed as him, and my arm is a complete mess but i can't even remember doing it and it's not like i have any razzor blades in my house so i'm thinking that i did it with my long life sharp kitchen knives. So now i'm really worring as with the fact that i can't remember doing this to myself you never know what could happen the next time that i get drunk! :(

Kimmy actually gave me some gr8 advice yesterday and i'm goint to share it with the rest of you and that is "put an elastic band around your wrist and when you feel the urge to harm yoursen pull on it and let it go so it cracks you right on your wrist" It hurts as you can imagine but at least no scares! :)

God why can't i stop doing this to myself?

Hope someone can shed some light in my dark life to help me.

Kitty [:X]

23-06-05, 12:24
Hi Kitty,

Ill be totally honest with you, I think its very good and a first step to recovery to acknowledge that you have a drinking problem. There are many places that can help you with this, for example alcoholics anonymous. Regarding the cutting yourself, ill have to leave someone with more experience in this to have a chat with you.

The drinking side I do understand. My dad is a recovering alcoholic, he has been off the drink for 25 years, but my brother died 5 years ago, he was an alcoholic aged 46. I have seen both sides of the coin and I wish you all the very best. There is help out there should you wish to take it. Only you can do it though, but im sure there are many of us, who are willing to listen to you.

I also put a lot of my problems and choices I have made down to the fact that I was brought up in an alcoholic home.

Good luck and take care

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

23-06-05, 13:45
Welldone in recognising that you have a drink problem-it's a very hard

thing to admit to and godd luck in overcoming the alcoholism. I wish

you all the best luck in the world...xxx

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

23-06-05, 13:55
Kimmy - you have recognised the problem and that is the first step so well done!! Good luck with it all - let us know how you are getting on and if you need any further help/advice

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

23-06-05, 16:10

i know how you feel when you self harm as i do it regular but am trying to stop so if you need to talk about this just pm me or email me at mins042004@hotmail.com maybe we can help each other stop

well done on relizin you have a problem and good luck

25-06-05, 17:20

We will be here to support you through giving up the alcohol so best of luck to you ok.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"