View Full Version : Bells Palsy

07-12-08, 22:38
About & 7 years ago now I had bells palsy,luckily I recovered well.I have noticed I have been left with a slight weakness around my left eye.When I yawn my left eye closes,and when Im tired it feels a little week.

This morning when I woke up the left eye wasn't opened as wide as the right and took a little time to come round.I haven't noticed this before.

Has anyone else had bell's and had any problem's?

08-12-08, 00:09
hi matey, cant help with this but just wanted to send u a hug and if u are worried i would go see doc just to put your mind at rest hun.

hugs xxxxxxx

08-12-08, 13:29
Thanks Donna.I have just joined a bell's palsy forum so will see if anyone can help.Im not worried,Im pretty sure its just being tired.:hugs:

08-12-08, 13:31
yes u prob right matey, try and get some rest and hopefully u will feel much better xxx

09-12-08, 07:26
Yes I have this....I notice my right eye particularly in photographs (which I dont do very often) and when I smile...I also notice it when Im tired....I had Bells Palsy as a teenager, almost 25 years ago now.

Coni X

09-12-08, 13:04
I've not actually suffered with this but a close friend of mine has. She's now 90% recovered but somedays you can see her eye is slightly droopy (that spelt right? lol) and when i ask if she's ok she just says yea but tired.
Not sure if that helps much but thought i'd pass it on


09-12-08, 15:34
Thanks everyone,you have been a great help.:hugs: :hugs:

31-12-09, 01:14

The eye closing and movement in other parts of your face is called synkinesis (sp!), and it is absolutely nothing to worry about. I get it a lot when tired (2 yrs since recovery from BP). I also get serious tightness or weakness or allsorts of other weirdness when tired/stressed/worn out.

Also, I think some nerve strands might take a lot longer to "come around" than others, perhaps even years. This results in "opposing forces" and sometimes that can make your face feel like it's pulling funny, or make you feel temporarily like you're having a very slight relapse.