View Full Version : Worrying constantly- Chest pain

07-12-08, 22:45
Hiya, I'm a newbee here and have only recently become horrible anxious about my health thanks to a chemical incident where I got too close to a strong paint thinner in a not-quite-well-ventilated-enough area for about half an hour. When my chest burned afterwards it was the first time I've felt physical fear for my health.

The result has been months of panic, an aching chest (which I still mildly have when I sit back or am lying down) and attributing every dry throat, upper back ache and head ache to what happened. The doctor managed to reassure me it was nothing serious by checking my oxygen levels and listenig to my lungs and told me I was probably bringing on the ache by thinking about it so much and that if it was still there in 2 months to go back and she'd ask a specialist. For a little while after I felt a bit better, now the ache is back and so is the worry. The main one being: it's been months since it happened, yet I still have an ache. "I don't know if I'm bringing it on myself or if it's really there" and "because the ache is mostly on the left side does it mean I've managed to damage my heart as well?":unsure: Then recently I've had a dry throat and of course have attributed that to the chemicals...it's such a vicious circle -_-

I know this all sounds so pathetic but such a tiny incident has made me incredibly anxious about my health, so so worried that I've done serious damage when I know I probably havn't.
Does anyone here have any experience with chemical health problems? Or is there nothing wrong and I'm probably just making it worse myself?

Thanks for reading ~!

07-12-08, 23:08
I've been exposed to paint fumes before such as what you're talking about, and even though you feel that it's been too much for your body (headache, nausea, dry throat, etc.), I know I've never been exposed repeatedly and for prolonged periods, so your body surely has enough time to heal and offset any of the temporary shock/damage the fumes might have caused. There is no way that one bout of exposure could really hurt you in any serious way, I'm sure. And what's more, chest pain and dry throat are both readily caused by anxiety, so you are probably creating these symptoms by thinking about it too much. I am telling you this from experience, because I do the same to myself. Please don't worry; you will be fine! :)

07-12-08, 23:19
Hi Katie

Welcome to NMP.

So sorry that you had this incident & that it has caused you to be very anxious about your health. I think in time, you will get over the health anxiety, as you realize that it hasn't affected your long term health.

Many many people, including myself have 'cardiac & respiratory' health anxiety issues.

You are not pathetic, this sort of thing can be very real & for some reason we don't get enough reassurance that everything is ok. You have been checked by the doctor & he says everything is ok. If it's any consolation, I have chest pain about 90% of the time, it's usually indigestion or tension.

Your dry throat is probably caused by anxiety too & overbreathing when anxious, it gives me a dry throat anyway. If only we could stop thinking these things about ourselves, we would be better:D

I have found this site a God send, especially when I am over-anxious & panicking a lot. So many ppl who are going thru the same thing. I wish we could all get better.

I hope that you find reassurance by the posts, and take care for now.



12-12-08, 15:13
Thank you so much BKF1515, it really helps to hear it from someone else who has experienced it too! Anything to do with chemicals frightens me to death now, I've learned my lesson :doh:

Thanks Elspeth, this site certainly is very very helpful and it's nice not to feel alone in our worrying!

Once this eventually goes, I will hopefully feel more confident about my health again...

Thanks again to both for your advice and kind words :flowers:

12-12-08, 18:37
Hi katie_rose,

I hope that my story may make you feel better. I have a younger sister who worked in a factory that produced t-shirts, sweatshirts and all kinds of clothing. She worked there for over 3 years and was exposed to formaldahyde on a regular basis. She also has a moderate case of asthma and is even dumb enough to smoke! She's been under the care of a respiratory doctor for several years for her asthma. When she told her doctor about the conditions she was working in, the only thing he recommended was that she take frequent breaks to get fresh air. If she continued to work in that kind of environment daily for the next 10 years, then it might cause a problem. But limited exposure will not cause any harm. And inhaling paint thinner for half an hour is not enough time to cause any serious damage. When I was 5 months pregnant with my 2nd child, I was allowed to paint my new house (with the approval of my doctor, of course). Both baby and I were fine because we were only exposed for a short time and I did try to ventilate the house properly.

I think that you're fine, but you may have developed a case of health anxiety. I get chest pains quite often, and the pains go through my arm, jaw, head, everywhere! But I've been reassured by all of my doctors and the hospital that my heart is fine and I have to learn to trust everyone. If you need the reassurance, ask your doctor for a chest x-ray. I'm sure that you will find that everything is clear and maybe it will put your mind at ease!

Something as simple as what you went through is enough to set off a case of health anxiety. Try to relax and think about something else and you will most likely feel better!

31-12-08, 21:41
Thank you so much NervousNellie for sharing your story, it has really made me feel better about my situation and certainly puts it in context, something that's so difficult to do when you're panicking I find :wacko:

Trusting doctors is definately something I need to learn to do. When I saw one about this issue they told me not to worry and then at the end said if it was still there in 2 months time to come back and they'd get a specialist in. This tiny comment suggesting it could be something else suddenly becomes something to obsess over, even if they've been positive 99% of the appointment. HA has become a real pain for me, thank you so much for your advice on how to overcome it and kind words :flowers: