View Full Version : Meningitus?

07-12-08, 23:55

Last week I was off work with sickness, flu symptoms, especially aches and pains. I then felt better after 2 days but the third day I was bed ridden again. I felt ok at the end of the week but had sudden neck pain which lasted about an hour but has now gone. I felt fine over the weekend so could this be menigitus or just an infection?? been worrying


08-12-08, 00:24
just a cold, no way its meningitis, you'd be very ill if you had meningitis, fever, you wouldn't be able to stay awake n you may have a rash.
if you can touch your chin to your chest then your fine x

08-12-08, 02:58
I have to agree with Mishel...I work in nursing and she is absolutely right...You would have a high fever and the neck pain would not go away in just an hour...You would be very ill with a headache like you have never felt before...It is probably just the flu...Take care...

08-12-08, 03:19
I heard that when you have meningitis you get a rash which does not fade or disappear when you roll a tumbler glass over it? So i guess if you do not have a rash or anything then you're ok :-)

Anyway, i hope this maybe puts your mind at rest a little,
feel better soon. xxx

08-12-08, 07:58
You don't always get a rash but don't let that worry you, you would know if you had meningitis (I've had it). You wouldn't be able to open your eyes if there was any light in the room, you'd have a killer headache, be pretty much passed out all the time and I couldn't move my head for almost a week.

But get better anyway! These winter illnesses are getting everyone at the moment :)