View Full Version : Hi everyone

ann b
08-12-08, 00:40
Hi i joined up a few weeks ago but only just been able to introduce myself as ive never spoken of my panic and anxiety before for fear of triggering attacks.I've suffered with panic and anxiety pretty much all my life which in my own way ive coped with alone, about a year ago a sudden pain in my chest and a trip too the emergency doctor has triggered of a new panic and anxiety for me which has stayed with me all year and still ongoing even after several trips to my own gp. Finding this site has already given me a boost because for years ive suffered alone and in silence as well as not wanting to trigger other attacks, for fear of speaking out and people laughing at me silly i know but im quite a shy person and constantly worry about what people think of me.

08-12-08, 03:19
your never be alone here , if people laugh so what it gos to show what mugs thay are,but i think your find a lot of people do know some one who suffers so its not as bad we think. dont worry what others think of you just be your self and your win
wish you better

08-12-08, 03:28
Heya :-)

I understand how you feel, i am also quite shy and have low self esteem. I know that it can be daunting letting people know how you are feeling but I'm sure that most of the people who you explain it to will be understanding and anyone who isn't or doesn't understand it then you can try directing them to a website about it and they'll see that many people feel the same way you do. I did this with a few friends who found anxiety and panic attacks difficult to understand and it made them take what i was telling them more seriously and they became a lot more supportive :-)

Just remember that you are never completely alone :-)
Good Luck! I hope you are feeling a little better soon xxx.

08-12-08, 04:11
Hi Ann B,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I have found joining NMP very helpful in dealing with panic & anxiety. It so helps to know that you're not alone in how you're feeling.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

Diane O'Brien
08-12-08, 11:20
Hi Ann

:welcome: to NMP. You'll find many people here who totally understand what your going through.

Take Care and speak to you in chat sometime.

Diane xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

08-12-08, 11:27
http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a207/orwall/hand.gif Annb,

A very warm http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a207/orwall/welcome1.gif to NMP where as others have said you never be alone again.

I'm sure you'll find lots of helpful info here, know others feel exactly the same and please venture into chat soon, no pressure to talk just to be with like minded people often helps.

Hope to meet you soon and :welcome:

love http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a207/orwall/saxrotating.gif

08-12-08, 16:27
hai ann b, i also new in this site. I know how you feel, i myself did not dare
to get out from my house for 5 years. Its really hard for people like us, and i hope i can PM you and be your friend. No pressure, i understand if you don't want me to do so, i understand...but i hope we can be friend, maybe best friend
