View Full Version : Just wondering....

08-12-08, 03:07
Does anyone feel really terrible with the slightest bit of excitement or adrenaline? I feel like my heart is about to give out on me...You know the pains in the chest, back, down the arms....I have been really stressed the past two weeks and I am not sure if this has thrown my body out of whack...I keep wanting to run to the ER to make sure I am not having a heart attack...I absolutely hate feeling this way...

08-12-08, 10:55
I get these probs with fear not excitement hun...all still part of the flight or fight response though xx

08-12-08, 11:19

i know how you feel

i am just the same if anything different happens i get this feeling ,if i am exited about something or stressed .
nic is right it is that flight or fight response ,thats what makes your heart go and the panic feeling

jodie xxx