View Full Version : Intestinal Spasms

08-12-08, 10:16
My next complaint is that for the last two weeks I have been having intestinal spasms--not painful--but a sort of knocking around in my lower right abdomen on and off all day. I have even been woken up at night by the spasms. Sometimes it feels like my intestines are going to jump out of my gut. But my stools, btw, are normal. I had this for the first time about a year ago for a few weeks in a row. My GP gave me an abdominal anti-inflamatory and it went away. Now, a year later, it's back. I just don't understand what it could be and why it only started at the age of 35?

Has anyone else experienced this? I have an appt. with my GP Thursday but don't know if I'll be able to control my anxiety till then. Thanks for listening.

08-12-08, 11:03
I have these at the same place. I think as I keep thinking about that area, I strengthen them.
I've also read that they are a sign of IBS... but every bowel symptom is a sign of IBS, it seems:D

09-12-08, 20:21
Yes, I have been diagnosed with IBS before. How do you know you really have it? Many people have told me I shouldn't settle for such a 'loose' diagnosis.

09-12-08, 20:32
I have recently been getting these especially after I have eaten. Thanks for posting it has helped me to know I am not the only one whose tummy is doing weired things.
