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08-12-08, 12:09
Hi Guys, i knew it was only a matter of time before i turned all my worry on to the baby. I have really started to panic about the babys cord and keep having horrible thoughts about the baby dying etc. He has been having a really quiet day to day and its almost like i am waiting for something bad to happen, Its really painful to think of but i cant help it. I know this isnt HA but it has gone from extreme worrying about myself to worrying about him. I dont know what i will do if i lose him :(

08-12-08, 12:11
:hugs: :hugs: awh every mum has little worries...but with anxiety etc..i understand it may be worse...im sure everything will be ok hun..just try to occupy your mind....xxx:bighug1: :bighug1:

08-12-08, 17:31
I spend a good few hours of every day worrying about my baby! (I am now 29 weeks) I have even paid for a few private scans just to check up on it (and yes even afetr all those scans we still cant tell if it s aboy or a girl)

Is this your first baby?
I have two older ones and to be honest I think that anxiety has HELPED me look after them in alot of ways. Anxiety is NORMAL when it comes to your kids and to be honest I think it works out better when you just go with the flow and accept that every single thing your baby does now until the day you die will cause you to panic! BUT the imprtant thing is to allow yourself to panic breifly and then move on,

and please if you find out how to do this let me know how!!!


08-12-08, 17:52

i think sophie,s reply is very good advice hun

i to think we all worry about our kids be it babys or older children,i for one worry about my little girl all the time and i did when i was pregnant with her i has so many scans and check ups but she was fine and well and i am sure your baby is fine and well to .

jodie xxx

08-12-08, 18:04
I still worry about mine and they are nearly 18, nearly 17 and nearly 8 now.:huh: Doesn't seem two minutes since I had the 18 year old.:D

I'm sure your baby will be absolutely fine Tash - it's normal to worry when your pregnant.:hugs: :hugs:

Cathy V
08-12-08, 19:21
Its also common to dream about crazy things too when you're pregnant, some dreams about the baby can be quite scary tash, but its only hormones. Dont forget what we all said a few weeks ago, that the bigger the baby grows the less you will feel him moving. He's fine but im not gonna say dont worrry coz you will worry until you have him...and then worry about him for the rest of your life lol!

Take care
Cath xxx :flowers:

09-12-08, 10:13
Hi Guys, paid for a private scan which is at 11.40 that should put my mind at rest. i will let you all know how it goes, cant wait to see him i bet he is sooo big now :)

09-12-08, 10:16
Aww that's lovely - will you get some pictures?:) I remember when I got pictures of my little girl and on one of them she just looked like a sausage - I was a bit worried. She was healthy though and nearly 9lb.

09-12-08, 10:18
wow 9lb! this is my first so worry all the time. The place im going to give you a DVD so very excited.


09-12-08, 10:22
My first one was 9lb 4oz. You should see him now - as skinny as a bean pole.:roflmao: Same with my nearly 8 year old as skinny as anything.:)
Aww bet you can't wait to see the DVD.

09-12-08, 10:24
wow - tash very excited to hear all about today! - i worried all the way through both my pregancies

09-12-08, 13:30
Hi guys, just got back from my scan and yay the placenta has moved out of the way completely which is ace so i can have a natural birth. I am 34 weeks and he is weighing ......... 5lb 8oz she said 'o he is going to be a big baby!! im so surprised lol apparently between 8 and 9lbs. His head is measuring at 36 weeks too. It was so nice to see him but ouch lol!

Cathy V
09-12-08, 13:32
Glad all is well tash...xxx

09-12-08, 13:54
Wow yes he is going to be big if he is that size now - what are you feeding him on.:winks: :D Glad everything was okay with the scan and you can have a natural birth now.:hugs:

09-12-08, 13:59
Im glad everything was ok and dont worry too much about head size my son had a huge head and he just shot out like a bullet lol.


09-12-08, 14:35
Hi Tash

Im so glad your mind is at rest yep hes going to be a lovely size. My last one was 10lb 1oz and if im honest I found that birth easier than the rest. So relax and enjoy xx

09-12-08, 14:45
hi glad to hear that everythings going okay i had my daughter at 34 weeks so even if you went early all would be well. wow big baby i'm sure that will be fine too.

09-12-08, 17:01
Hi Guys, i knew it was only a matter of time before i turned all my worry on to the baby. I have really started to panic about the babys cord and keep having horrible thoughts about the baby dying etc. He has been having a really quiet day to day and its almost like i am waiting for something bad to happen, Its really painful to think of but i cant help it. I know this isnt HA but it has gone from extreme worrying about myself to worrying about him. I dont know what i will do if i lose him :(

:hugs: I was a complete nightmare to be honest, what would be termed as a neurotic mother. I wrote down every ounce of milk they drank, to what food they had at every meal, so I made sure they had all the ntrients they needed. Atleast for the first 6 months or so. Mine are 14 & 12 now, & eat like rubbish yet are as fit as fiddles!
As they get older, it does get easier you know, it just brings different things to worry about xxxxxxxxx

09-12-08, 18:41
thats great news!

09-12-08, 20:30
Glad to hear your baby is healthy and big! My first was 10.5 lbs at birth. Needless to say, they called him the toddler in the hospital nursery! But with both my pregnancies I worried more than most. It's so hard to let go of once you go down that road. Just think of how well you are taking care of yourself and how many perfectly healthy babies are born to much worse circumstances. Baby will be fine! :)