View Full Version : only me.

08-12-08, 14:30
hey ppl,

ok i read a few posts and go in the chat rooms often and have noticed that most ppl seem to be able to go out/work/generally do things.

well im just wondering if theres others here who are the same as me.
i rarely go out and if i do its neva longer than an hr and cant be further than 10 mins from home.
im so tired and lack of energy that i wont even do a simple task like hoover, wash dishes or take the dog out.
i feel so stupid and useless and dont kno how to shake this tiredness/lazyness off.

basically im just wondering if any1 is the same as me as it seems that every1, even ppl with alot worse levels of anxiety than me are capable of doing basic things that for some reason i just cant do.

keep sane

kris xx

08-12-08, 15:11
Hi Kris - lethargy could be put down to many things. Your doc is the best one to advise. If you haven't had a blood test its a good idea to see your doc and rule out a few things. It could be something as simple as a chemical imbalance. Might sound daft, but vitamin B was a great help to me (although bear in mind this was specific to my diagnosis). Also helps if you're actually eating well daily.

You're not on your own - currently I can't work (if only), but I'm on the mend with the help of my docs and NHS specialist services.

Don't feel like its being lazy either - I'm not saying you have depression, but a common symptom is the inability to concentrate, get motivated or even finish something you start.

I'd recommend you seeing your Doc and letting him know how you feel. Don't skip bits however trivial you think they are - they're there to help.


08-12-08, 19:24
Hi, Kris...you are not the only one that feels that way, believe me!

I just recently started making myself go outside and walk a little everyday if possible (trying to face my fear of being in open spaces and trying to get more energy). Some days it's easy and some it's not.

We live 15 miles from town in the mountains and I haven't been into town since September. I have a dr's appointment tomorrow and I was so very anxious about riding in the car (motion problems cause me to panic and being around other people in strange places) but I made a thread to ask for suggestions and I got some great advice. I'm not as anxious as I was.

I, too, am tired allllllllllllllll the time and it's so tiring being tired! I'm coming to the conclusion that most of my lack of energy is caused by mental stress and lack of excercise due to having difficulties moving around because of dizziness which leads to anxiety/panic. Think about how much energy we use thinking about our problems. I know I think about how I feel constantly. I've been trying different things to get my mind off how my body and head feels (which is crappy most of the time lol). For instance, I've been thinking about what really makes me happy. For me it's Jesus and His love for me. All this morning I've been fighting anxiety so I made myself sit down and breathe and I pictured myself being held in Jesus' arms. Might sound weird to some but it comforted me so much and it reminded me that He's in control and in my weakness He is strong. I have faith that one day I'll be healed of all my issues. It's a struggle to keep my faith but on those good days it's so very worth the struggle.

Anyway, I can speak from experience that forcing yourself to move around and do little things really helps. If you have a hard time vacuuming (like I do) then vaccum half the floor. If you have a hard time doing dishes (like I do) do half of them. My friend keeps telling me to take baby steps lol

Let me urge you to not think of yourself as lazy...not by any means.
I totally sympathize with you.

Take care!


08-12-08, 19:29
Definitely not alone.

I can't go out for any length of time, i can't go out alone and i can't go far from home!
