View Full Version : Heart Worries

08-12-08, 16:57
Hi I just wondered if any one gets attacks of palps/ectopics when they get i bed at night? when I lay down my heart goes crazy.

I suffer with them somtimes but just wondered if any one else gets them at night


08-12-08, 17:26
Hello Dotty.
Yes i get them quite regularly, i mainly notice them on a night time in bed too!
Its because on a night time your body is more relaxed and your more aware. I never notice them during the day when im busy, its always either on a night, when im alone, or when im doing nothing.

Take Care x

08-12-08, 17:28
I get palpitations alot in the afternoons (I am at my most anxious late afternoon) If it makes you feel better I had my heart all checked out last week and it was fine and yet i still get them so I think they must just be anxiety. I was told that they are very very common and in general pretty harmless


08-12-08, 18:14

this was one of the worst things that happend to me when i went to bed i would start with ectopics they would scare me and get so bad i would get up go down and sit in a panic call the docs anything that would make me feel better even ran to a&e one night as they got so bad.
now i try to not let them get to me and try think of them as nothing to worry about as i feel the more you worry the more you get ectopics.

jodie x

08-12-08, 18:52
I suffer from ectopics and had an ECG which came back normal but I still worry about them, I went through a few nights on the row where I would get them really bad in the night and the thumping would wake me up. I think it does get worse when its all quiet and you lay there thinking.
You have to try and get your mind out the habit of listening and waiting for them, I have tried to do that, I do get bad days still but try and control them and tell yourself they won't get to you!


08-12-08, 20:33
Thanks to everone that replied. I will try not to dwell on them so much,

Dotty x:)

House fan
08-12-08, 21:01
I've just sent you a pm.

Hope it helps.


08-12-08, 21:56
hi dotty
i am like you and suffer with ectopics at night and during the day, i had an ecg which came back normal i tend to get them when i lay on my left hand side as well. i am on propranalol to try and ease them as i have started with anxiety attacks etc. i think mine are anxiety too try not to worry but i know you will cos we all worry we cant help it. if you feel nobetter go back to the docs and ask them for reassurance.:winks: