View Full Version : Referral to Occ Health

08-12-08, 19:14
I've been struggling quite a bit lately and its starting to show at work. I'm still able to do my job (teach) well and fulfill my subject leadership role effectively but I'm struggling to cope with little things like walking up the corridor, going into the dining hall, sitting in the staffroom and lots of other things which involve noise, people moving about and me feeling trapped. Obviously, its silly season and that equals chaos in schools. Its very unlikely that I'll be able to support my class in the Christmas concert, or attend the school carol service. Even things like the primary disco will be a massive ordeal for me at the moment. I'm having panic attacks at work on an almost daily basis as it is.

I approached 2 members of management today and expressed my concern that I was finding it increasingly difficult to cope - it had been noticed! It looks likely that I will be referred to occupational health and just wanted to know if anyone else has been in a similar situation? Particularly if you have been referred without having been absent from work.

Don't get me wrong, I think this will be a positive step in many ways but I obviously have some concerns. The big concerns are to do with the impact on my career long term and my chances of getting another job. I am also worried about the appointment itself - I doubt very much that I will be able to get through the door! I have no family living anywhere near and all of my friends work full time, so there would be nobody able to accompany me.

What happens at the initial appointment? Is it just questions or do they do blood pressure etc (I ask as my arms are currently quite scarred due to self harm - I'm not ready to deal with questions about that yet).

Sorry so many questions, but to ask is a step closer to knowing and hopefully not getting wound up about it.

08-12-08, 19:50

Firstly can I say that it was very brave of you to say that you are finding it hard to cope at the minute.

I have been refered to occupational health before, I work for NHS, and it is nothing to worry about. It is their job to help you be as stress free and well in your role, as much as it is your job to provide them with your committment and hard work.

They will ask you what aspects of the work environment you find difficult and what you think they could perhaps do to make things more manageable. I was given counselling to help me to cope with my panic attacks at work.

I doubt that they will examine you, so I would try not to worry about the marks on your arms. If they were to notice then it will be completely confidential and I doubt that they will refer to it or ask you any questions about it. Whatever is discussed with occupational health is completely confidential and will not be divulged to your manager, at least that's what it's like at my place. They are on your side, they want to help you get well so try not to feel intimidated.

Is there not a work colleague that you feel you could perhaps confide in, who could go with you and even just sit outside the room while you are in there? Sometimes though it is better just to go alone I find, then you are not worrying about how you are in front of anyone else.

I can only say what I have found occupational health at my place of work to be like, but I think that's the norm.

Good luck and let us know how you get on. Just a thought and I'm not meaning to pry but is your doctor aware of this, and that you have self harmed?

08-12-08, 19:55
Thanks for that Andrea - you've helped to put my mind at ease a bit. My doctor suggested that I should see what help I can get through work as it may be quicker than NHS referral. I haven't spoken to anyone about the self harm - I feel safer not disclosing this yet - its different online, nobody knows you which keeps it safe.


09-12-08, 14:11
Hi shortstuff

Sorry to hear about your struggle. I saw Occy health for approx 2 and a half years while off sick. I cannot remember whether they did my blood pressure and checked my weight the first time I went, but I may be getting mixed up with an assessment I had when taking the job. Most of the consultations involved answering a few questions about my health and how it affected my life in general and my ability to work. The purpose of Occy health is to see if there is anything they can do to help you return to good health with a view to returning to work. If you are not well enough they are usually in a position to advise your employer of this, or there are any reasonable adaptions that can be made to your role they may suggest this also, ie returning to work on less hours, less responsibility until you are fully fit. Obviously it all depends on you role and as a teacher I expect it is pretty 'full on'. I worked for the NHS too and had to see Occy health after being absent for 4 weeks. I used to get extremely anxious but they NEVER made me feel uncomfortable, it was just me.

Good luck with it, try not to worry.


09-12-08, 20:03
Thanks Freaky - I'm feeling that way out at the moment where I worry about EVERYTHING. I know if the referral goes ahead (which looks more likely than not) the biggest ordeal will be actually getting there!

09-12-08, 21:21
Hi shortstuff,

I read your other post about the school concert, I sooooo know how you feel. I was like that at work, I had my dinner in the car and avoided being anywhere where I was likely to panic... unfortunately that was everywhere I worked, the office, home visits, driving the car etc.. I had no option but to go off sick as I could not avoid situations, if I did I wouldn't have been doing my job properly.

When I went to Occy health my husband took me and waited outside in the car, I went into the building at the very last minute and always sat near the door so I could make a sharp escape if necessary. It may help to take someone with you if you can. I do feel for you, it is horrible.

Good luck with it and the concert on Thursday. I have to pluck up the courage to watch my children doing there Nativity tomorrow. I am trying not to think about it until tomorrow but as with others it is such an ordeal that I will not be comfortable until it is over and I am back home - a diazepam occasion I think.

Hang on in there,


10-12-08, 13:23
I also just went to an appt and I am not sure what good it did to be honest. The doctor just checked my height and weight, asked if there was anything physically wrong with me (there isnt except migraines), then said I should probably have my desk assessed?? :shrug:
Said probably a lot of my problems were down to stress? And that he would send a report to me and my boss within a week?
When I asked about whether I could do something like bypass the regular meetings that we have every time I am off sick which gave us the third degree which made me sicker he said that was my workplace's policy and he could not help me with that.
So not sure what help he was to be honest.
Good luck with your assessment tho. Sue