View Full Version : occupational health tomorrow

08-12-08, 20:17
I received an email last Thursday to my work email address - which I didn't see until this morning - asking me to attend a medical at my works occupational health unit. This is scheduled for tomorrow at 10.30am.

I know the unit is there to help me. I've been there a couple of times in the past for assessments as my sickness absence from work is pretty dire.

I'm currently on week 4 of being off sick from work. This started because my depression hit a low and I was unable to manage a day at work without breaking down in tears. I have now been signed off for another 2 weeks due to suffering the most horrific headache I've ever had. I've been to hospital and had a CT scan after my doc thought he saw pressure behind my eyes. Scan came back clear, but headaches are still bad. Day 8 of pain - and no sign of it letting up even a little bit.

Since reading the email today, my head has got worse and I ended up cutting my arms for the 2nd time to try and relieve the pain in my head. I'm dreading going tomorrow. I'm scared I'll be sacked - although the last thing I want these days is to go to work each day - I'd much rather hibernate at home on my own. But I need the money and at the mo I'm only getting half pay because of the time I've taken off in the last year.

Dunno what replies I'm expecting from anyone on here. Just needed to get it off my chest and have a moan.

08-12-08, 23:16
Hi Lynne,

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through such a difficult time.

Sending you :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

Thinking of you for tomorrow.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

09-12-08, 07:29
Good luck today Lynne, I'm sure it'll be fine.


09-12-08, 07:48
Hiya Lynn

Hope everything works out for you.



09-12-08, 14:20
Hi Lynn,

Good luck with Occupational Health. I hope your head pain eases soon.


09-12-08, 16:33
The doctor I saw was fantastic. Showed her all my letters from pysciatric nurse and sick notes, pills etc etc.

She is writing to my HR dept stating she thinks it would be best for me to remain off sick while I undergo phscology, CBT and the other self help groups I've been referred to. Says she doesn't expect me to be back at work until at least the Spring as these things take time. And also dealing with all my demons could make me worse before it makes me better.

Has advised me to go to CAB to try and get info on any benefits I can claim whilst off work for ill health as I am only on half pay due to being off for over 6 months in the last year or so.

Also told me to join a library. Somewhere quiet to go and also get self help books for free. Suggested trying accupressure and massage too.