View Full Version : adrenaline rushes

08-12-08, 20:56
Don't know what it is,im not feeling anxious, got no worries etc, but whenever im just sitting/lying trying to relax,even in bed, i keep getting really uncomfortable adrenaline rushes, i dont panick from it,but i find it uncomfortable.

Does anyone know why this happens when im not anxious? I hate my body sometimes!


09-12-08, 00:31
An adrenaline rush is linked to the "flight-flee" response.

Think of it like this. When an animal feels threatened or must escape from a preditor, they get all panicky, like a cat who's back will arch. They tense up and react in an anxious way, which causes the body to secrete stress hormones which are essential for a succesful reaction to the escape the danger. People with constant anxiety release these hormones, which cause stress reactions.

A stress reaction can vary,whether it's an adrenaline rush, sweating, cold or hot flushes, heart palpitations, chest pains, shortness of breath or stomach...ETC.

So basically, when you're anxious, your gonna get a stress reaction! Hope I explained this okay!


09-12-08, 12:00
Thankyou, yes you explianed it very well, but i dont feel anxious or stressed when it happens!

So why would it happen then!?


09-12-08, 12:04
hi cassi

i am with you on this one

i have been getting the very same thing like that adrenalin pain in your tummy and chest like a rush of it and right now i am happy not to much going on that hasn't been going on before if you get me .i do feel a little panic but only coz of the adrenalin
i to am not sure why out of the blue you would get this:unsure:

jodie x

10-12-08, 12:49
Thanks Jodie,

Im sorry you get this too but im glad im not alone with this! That is what really baffles me, i have had a fair bit of stress lately, but its all gone now, shrugged off, but these little rushes are still randomly happening,even when im just relaxing,feeling happy/normal!

I just don't get it! This silly anxiety lark totally sucks. Im just trying my headest to ignore it and get on, but last night at teatime i felt really quite 'ill' even though i know theres nothing wrong with me!

Cassi xxx

10-12-08, 13:03
Hi there,

I was just wondering what your adrenaline rushes are like, as like you I am not anxious about anything at the moment, but keep getting rushes to my head which make me feel sick and dizzy, these seem to come mostly at night and sometimes stop me sleeping.:shrug:

10-12-08, 13:11
Hey Cassi, yeah I get that too, I'm in my thirties now and it's usually when I'm sitting or standing still, especially in company of others, if I'm at gym or doing anything active atall Im ok, I,m sure we will both be cool, all the best Steph x

18-01-09, 20:56

my little rushes are like uncomfortable bursts of energy that i can physically feel making their way through my body, makes me quiver on the inside and i find it really hard to relax, if i get them when im dropping off to sleep they wake me instantly and then i fing it hard to settle as dont know what to do with myself/shaking a bit, just feel weird!
This happens randomly to me though, even when i dont feel anxious!

I used to get the head rushes, its all anxiety related. Hope this helps

Cassi xxx

18-01-09, 20:57
Thanks everyone for your replies, i feel a little better now xxx