View Full Version : Omeprazole

08-12-08, 22:09
Hi peeps

I started omeprazole 2 weeks ago for GERD & have noticed i am getting bad leg cramps & tingly fingers at night when asleep.

Has anyone else found this with omeprazole???

Nic xxx

08-12-08, 22:47
Hi Nickie

I take Omeprazole 40mg and have been on it for about a year now with no side effects. I tried many medications for my acid reflux problems and this is the only medication that has helped.

Not all medications suit everyone so perhaps if you are still getting side effects speak to your doctor about trying something else. Sorry I can't be of more help.

Karen x

09-12-08, 08:33
I was on 20mg Omeprazole and then my doctor put me up to 40mg which gave me diahorrea, stomach ache and made the acid in my stomach burn and I could feel the acid in my throat. Going back down to 20mg and trying to eat a bland acid reflux friendly diet.

Really want to start trying for a baby in next few weeks so I am really worried that so many people with acid reflux are on these tablets long term!! Can it not clear up after a few weeks like it says on the tablet information? It says 4-8 weeks to sort it out?

09-12-08, 10:21
I haven't noticed any side effects and I have been on them for about 2 months now.:) Maybe your doctor could change you to another tablet.

Hereford Al
09-12-08, 11:47
Is this the same as Lansoprazole? I was on that for a few weeks back in the summer when suffering with really bad stomach acid. I noticed that every time I ate something hot like soup or chips then my gut would feel like it was on fire!