View Full Version : Hi Everyone

09-12-08, 11:26
So Im not sure where to start on here...
Im Steph and Im recently more anxious than Ive ever been.
Had alot of family problems where people are on the brink of death and Im becoming really sensitive to world affairs.
I always feel silly regarding the latter.
Ive just been prescribed Citalopram. Been given 20mg but Im not sure if I wanna start on such a high dosage. Literally just taken my first but I had half.
Im anxious about taking them. Mainly dont wanna put on weight. I have issues with food and have been anorexic and buliemic for many years.

Thing that gets me was I was just starting to feel really happy for the first time in years and then everything started to crumble and I cant put my finger on why.

Anyway, after that un-necessary long introduction, if anyone has words of advice they wud be greatly welcome!


10-12-08, 15:40
Hi Steph83,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

Veronica H
10-12-08, 17:56
Hi Steph
:welcome: to NMP. You will find comfort and support here.


10-12-08, 18:46
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP

10-12-08, 18:46
Hi Steph

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here.

Take care


10-12-08, 19:39
Hello...welcome x

10-12-08, 23:03
Hi Steph.
:welcome: to NMP. I think you will like it here as people are very supportive and there is a lot of information.

Hope to see you in chat