View Full Version : Bit of advice please???

09-12-08, 12:40
Hi all
Ok this might go on a bit but i'm hoping someone will be able to relate to me. I know i'm depressed and suffer from HA. I've posted on here about mucus that i seem to suffer with. But I keep reading about acid reflux and i'm not really sure about it all. I've suffered with excess mucus for about 7 months now. I'm constantly having to cough to clear throat and chest. Sometimes its better some days than others. I do still think because of my HA it makes it worse as well. For example we had friends over Saturday night and i have to say i didn't think about it and looking back don't think i coughed much at all. But then Sunday morning i woke with a hoarse voice but put it down to singing on the karaoke night before but i've still got it and today i keep feeling like i have to cough. I've also been suffering a bit with heart burn so I was wondering if this could be this acid reflux. Is there anyone else out there going through these symptoms? Unfortunately i smoke and i have tried to cut down and have got down to 10 a day rather 20+ but the last few days its gone back up again :(.
Any help here would be appreciated.

09-12-08, 13:59
Yes it might be acid reflux. :) I have this and take omeprazole capsules for it. Might be worth you going to the doctor and see if he thinks it is.:)

09-12-08, 15:00
Hi Tracy - it could be the smoking ( and I am not going have a dig about smoking). When you cut down or stop smoking you do produce lots of mucus and stuff. It's your body clearing itself out. Can take a while to go (depends on how long and how much you have been smoking). So it could be that.

You are probably right in that you focus on it more when you are not so busy.. I know I do .. xx

10-12-08, 13:43
Thanks for the replies,

Jan do you take tablets everyday for this and if you happen to miss one or two do the symptoms come back?

Sam yes i did wonder about the smoking and did think that because i have days where i'm down to the 10 then for 3 days or so go back up to 15/16 that my body doesn't know what its doing lol i'm probably best packing in all together but my stress levels are high enough as it is and a ciggie does help calm me silly i know.

I'm probably best sticking to the 10 and seeing if it goes but not sure how long it would take to clear my body out really. Been smoking for a lot of years so common sense tells me it would probably take a long time. Any ex smokers out there who could shed some light on it?


10-12-08, 14:16
Yes I take a 20mg omeprazole every morning and it seems to do the trick and yes the symptoms do seem to come back again if I don't take them.:unsure: My sister has been on these sort of tablets for about 7 years now and she says she can get away with missing a day or two now instead of having them everyday but I've only been on them about 2 months or so.

10-12-08, 14:23
So were your symptoms very similiar to mine then? Sorry for all the questions lol Think i'll get Christmas out the way then if i'm still like it get myself to the docs....just hate going and I hate having any bloods done as my veins aren't very good. Unless you don't need bloods doing to find acid reflux.

Thanks again