View Full Version : Anyone know about thyroid results?

09-12-08, 13:52
I had some tests run to look for thyroid problems and I had the results back which I ASSUME were ok but no real explantation of them?

the results were
TSH 0.6
free t4 11
free t3 5.0

what does this mean?? is this normal!


10-12-08, 05:36
Is there a reference range beside the numbers? Are they flagged as low or high? I am not positive if our references are the same in Canada but here for TSH normal is between 1.00-5.00. Your .6 would be considered very low here. That would be that your thyroid is hyper. But you need to find out the reference range used. Even if it turns out to be a thyroid problem the best news are they are very common and very easily treated. I was just found to have thyroiditis and it was creating a ton of anxiety and symptoms.

10-12-08, 09:19
I dont have any numbers at all for reference, the results were just written by hand in my hand hel maternity notes!.

I have a consultant appointment in two weeks (maternity) I will ask her then.

I have a few blood results that came at the same time that DO have reference numbers the only things marked as high were

white blood cells
heamatocrit (sp?)
and neutrophils

but again no one seems too bothered by it so must be normal.


10-12-08, 11:31
Hi hun :D:hugs:

I don't know how to read these results, but what I do know is, if they were not normal or if they thought there was anything to be concerned about, you would have been told straight away.

Hunny, if this is playing with you, you can take your notes to the gp and ask there or you can wait for your consultant appointment.

I know its hard for you :hugs:but try not to worry.