View Full Version : need answers plzzz

09-12-08, 14:00
i am having serious anxiety and panic attacks its confusing though as it carries the same symptoms as heart problems. it comes and goes though does anyone else get burning in back and shoulders in back pain under right breastbone burning neck and jaw and in face sore left upper arm and right sometimes too shortness of breath burping and tingling in both hands plus shaking uncontrollably like your standing in -40 degrees please let me know.does it sound like anxiety and panic. thanks -robert

09-12-08, 14:07
Hello and welcome. It could be anxiety. Anxiety does some crazy things to us. If you are feeling the burning it could be from tension in your shoulders and head and as for the burping, that is a common sign of anxiety. Try taking a few deep breaths to calm yourself. Roll your shoulders out. Have you ever noticed that when we get anxious our shoulders bunch up around our ears? That cause alot of pressure points to scream. If you are still feeling troubled go to your docotr to get checked out to give you peace of mind. There is a great section here on symptoms that have alot of answers that you may need. Take care and all my best. Please pm me if I can help.:hugs:

Vanilla Sky
09-12-08, 18:02
Hi robert, have you been checked by your doctor? If you have have and everything is ok then it probably is anxiety it manifests its self in all different ways. I can relate to the burning ive had a problem with a frozen shoulder for a while now and the burn is horrible i also get problems with my neck. Watching your posture is helpful as is gentle sretching. I have heart anxiety to every pain every weird feeling is a heart attack. the burping is common in anxiety so is breathlesness if you are feeling panicy. You are not alone you will find it helpful here Paige x

09-12-08, 18:26
hi robert and welcome to nmp, im sure u will find loads of great support here and make new friends too. hugs xxxx

10-12-08, 23:14
Hi Robert
:welcome: to NMP. I think you will like it here as people are very supportive and there is a lot of information.

Hope to see you in chat

10-12-08, 23:36
Hi Robert. If you read up the information on the left <---- (over there) especially about Panic Attacks it may calm some of your fears. Although I panic sometimes I don't hit full panic attack levels but I appreciate their severity. A panic can mimic most of the symptoms of a heart attack or other cardiovascular conditions. The good news is that the books claim they cannot hurt you UNLESS you actually have some underlying illness.

That's why it is always best for a Panic Sufferer to get a general checkup and atleast an evaluation of some sort for heart problems. It could be physical condition or the panic might hurt you IF you had a weakness in that area.

Remember though MOST PEOPLE DON'T HAVE A PHYSICAL PROBLEM... and so the Panic or Anxiety symptoms are terrible but safe.