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View Full Version : very tired and feeling ashamed

09-12-08, 16:11
This is not the first time this has happened to me, i should be on holiday now but once again i 'flipped' before the flight. I broke down, cried, had chest pains, sweating and never made it to the airport. I've spent the last four days in bed. I now feel ashamed with myself and can't leave the house. My husband is telling everyone i have come down with flu.

I am so scared as this is not the first time it's happened but this time it was much worse. :weep:

What should i do?

09-12-08, 16:54
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP

09-12-08, 17:20
please do not feel ashamed it happens to the best of us. i was supposed to fly a couple of weeks ago, a journey i had done several times before with no problems. got to all the way through security to the gate and then got myself in such a tiz i couldn;t get on the plane. it happens as i was told to lots of people. please don't beat yourself up about it:) i too felt really bad as i was letting people down but that doesn't do any good just try and put it behind you and try and concentrate on feeling better. that is what i am trying to do. i know it is easier said than done though. take care. jackie

09-12-08, 19:35
You may want to start by reading the information pages listed in the menu on the left <--- under Aviophobia (fear or planes/flying) and under Panic Attacks. As you are new here you may not know much about what is affecting you and getting an understanding can help as you know: a) you are not alone, b) you are not much more nutty than most people, and c) what to seek help with. Help can be counselling, various therapies, selfhelp, etc. At a guess it will be best to tackle it before you have an arrangement to fly again and you reinforce the anxiety by putting yourself through it again unprepared. Good luck with this.

Cathy V
09-12-08, 21:08
Hi there and welcome. There are alot of people who feel like this about flying. Im scared of it too, but since moving to germany last year ive had to fly back to uk regularly to visit family. So far ive managed to take deep breaths and stay on the plane and not let it overwhelm me, but i have been known to get off trains and buses in panic if they become too crowded.

I dont like taking meds too much so im afraid i rely on having a few drinks at the airport to settle my nerves, but lots of people take a mild tranquiliser, which doctors will give just for the flight to make you feel more relaxed. Don't feel ashamed, it happens to the best of us. I keep saying that once my time here is over and i move back to UK, im never flying again and will take holidays in UK instead!

One of the things i focus on when i have to fly is the fact that the girls and boys who work on the planes are flying backwards and forwards all day, every day...its their job, and some have been doing it for many years. So i always think to myself if they can do it every day, i can do it once in a while.

Best wishes
Cath xxx :flowers:

09-12-08, 22:40
:welcome: Hi

Glad you found this site, you will get lots of support here. You shouldn't feel ashamed of yourself, you can't help the way you are feeling. Panic attacks are really frightening especially if you aren't used to them.

Reading up on panic and anxiety will help you to understand the symptoms and what they mean. I have found that that has helped me alot. But well done for trying the flight, even passing the airport makes me feel anxious. That's why I bought a caravan last year.

Take care :)

10-12-08, 23:13
Hi there
:welcome: to NMP. I think you will like it here as people are very supportive and there is a lot of information.

Hope to see you in chat

11-12-08, 11:22

You should never feel ashamed of your emotional reactions, it clearly bothered you and that is why you acted in this way.

Flying is one of my hates also and i recently had to go on a cruise with my partners familly, which meant i had to fly to Barcelona and back aswell as get on a huge cruise ship and sail everyday.

I tell you, I found it stressful, and just wanted to get it over with. I found myself looking at probability more than anything else and I asked myself how many flights there were per year, per day, per hour around the world and how many crashes there were in comparison, the chances of anything happening are remote.

Anxiety is powerful and can make us behave in a manner we are not comfortable with, that does not man to say that an emotional outburst is bad its just different and a necerssary process of a physical reaction to an emotional stress.

Please do not feel ashamed, we all suffer with lots of different fears and we all react in different ways, there are clearly lots of people here who can offer great help and support during these difficult times.

Keep smiling, and remember you are never alone:hugs: