View Full Version : Anyone actually SCARED of doctors & self examination?

09-12-08, 16:55
I absolutely hate going to the doctors, my blood pressure has been known to rise just having to go to the new doc for a standard new patient mot. But the most worrying thing of all at the moment is I am getting older & know I should be examining myself but haven't for years due to fear of finding something. Is anyone else like this? I am a definate ostrich, bury my head in the sand person when it comes to health. Although not other areas of life which is strange. x

09-12-08, 18:45
It's funny that you mentioned this. I was about to post a similar question! I am absolutely terrified of doctors for the same reason that you mentioned. I am especially terrified of having my blood pressure and pulse checked because both are always extremely high! Since I had a really bad experience with being sent to the hospital 2 months ago for a fast heart rate, I even have a problem with taking my own blood pressure at home! My blood pressure is usually a little elevated at home, but still within normal range. But my pulse goes bonkers! The last time I checked it, my pulse was 114! All of this because I'm afraid of doctors and testing! If I could calm down and relax a little, everything would be normal, but my body won't listed to reasoning! It's a vicious circle! :weep:

09-12-08, 20:18
hey im not too bad at the doctors thou i do get a little worked up my fear is hospital the thought of avin to go to hospital makes me feel sick ,i sweat ,shake , heart bangin the works .......if somethin happened to me and i had to go to the hosp i dont no what i would do...ive had to go for tests n things and even tht was awful xxxxx caz