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View Full Version : Can you still have physical symptoms of Anxiety even if you dont feel anxious?

09-12-08, 18:04
Hi all

Just wondering if anyone suffers with their physical symptoms of anxiety even when you dont feel anxious or feel ok? Just interested :)

09-12-08, 18:17

Yes i have had symptoms with out really feeling very anxious. But alot of it can be down to your subconsciousness. Its a very strange illness with alot of ups and downs. The main one i had was chest palps and a strange rash on my neck and chest.

All the best


09-12-08, 20:33
Yes u can...i get symptoms alot and there are always different which then makes my anxiety worse..vicous circle!! xx

09-12-08, 22:28

I sometimes get symptoms yet don't feel anxious. This happened to me only yesterday at work, it was weird. But then I had been eating sweets and wondered if it might be too much sugar as I have read that is bad for people with panic attacks. Then I decided I was over analysing things and just tried to forget it. Just another weird phenomenon in my anxious life lol.

Ken - I too get a weird rash on my neck and chest when I'm anxious - it gets worse the more I focus on it......like the rest of the symptoms!!!! Makes me wish my head had an on/off button.


10-12-08, 01:38
I had something like this when I started my meds, it was like my body was having a panic attack but my mind wasnt freaked out. very weird indeed.

10-12-08, 02:01
Hi annie - I was getting anxiety related symtoms for almost a year before I actually ended up with feeling anxious also.

If I'd have known then what I do now, then I would have realised that these were early warning signs (for me at least). I could have acted sooner then and possibly not ended up as bad as I did. Heindsight is a wonderful thing though, so I don't dwell on the what ifs.


14-12-08, 19:22
hi - i agree with quakers. i have not been on this site for nearly a year - am still on citalopram but in remission re anxiety. i have had a lot of stress in my life recently and started a few weeks ago with tight chest and stomach pains - the physical symptoms are obviously early warning for me too because last few days i have been feeling constantly panicked too but just trying to ride it out!

15-12-08, 10:33
Thanks annie. I have always wondered this too. I have m.e so have symptoms most days anyway, but am wondering how much of it is anxiety. And as i dont always feel anxious are they symptoms m.e or anxiety!