View Full Version : More depersonalization?

10-12-08, 00:01
Not had this symptom in a while but I think it's come back again in a new form.

I was working and all the seats seemed very red almost like an effect on a digital camera. I ended up feeling blurry vision and felt sick and at one moment like I would pass out. I seem to be getting alot of the funny vision and my eyes seem to focus in on red. About half an hour later I was fine again.

Another symptom is I focus in on smells paranoid I smell or have to avoid anybody that has funny smells or places.

Is this anxiety anybody else get it?

10-12-08, 09:13
dont worry. I get mine a lot. I feel sick and dizzy and out of my body a lot. It is annoying feeling out of your body

31-03-10, 23:55
Can stress bring this on?

I've been so stressed my head has hurt and feel my mind is away..feel all weird like I duno me or where I am for like 30 seconds and I'm freaked out..is this normal? Will I loose my mind?