View Full Version : Got the cold..worried

10-12-08, 10:28
I have a bit of a cough and felt a bit sick last night and today and I think I have a dose of the flu so I am worried i wont see a night out at the weekend.

I'm getting horrible thoughts by it like what if my body can't fight it as I have lost weight since I was already slim it's made me worry what if I can't cope? will I pass out?

I know it might pass but I'm a bit anxious. :blush:

10-12-08, 12:00
Hi Phil.It will pass luvvy.I would dose up with lemsip and keep warm,probably feel alot better by the weekend.
You will cope and Im sure you wont pass out.:hugs:

10-12-08, 12:50
sorry your feeling ill

grab a hot water bottle and a few films and try and relax.

I find beechams all in one (the medicine kind) is the best when i have a that sort of thing it clears up all the aches and pains!


Diane O'Brien
10-12-08, 14:10
Hi, Hope your well soon. Its a awful time of year for coughs and colds. It will pass, get yourself under a blanket and spoil yerself. Keep warm and take plenty of fluids.

Take Care

Diane xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14-12-08, 16:58
I am feeling a bit better now but I still have a cold numb feeling all over is this normal? I'm not sure if it's the cold or anxiety?

14-12-08, 17:04
Hi phil...i think its a bit of both hun. Im just getting over that flu thing myself and its a nasty dose..but i also get the numbness to which ive been told is due to my anxiety.
Hope your better soon though.

14-12-08, 21:07
Thanks I just feel awful. Feel numb like all hot and cold and felt weak and tired.

I don't know what's up I managed work yesterday feeling not great but pushed myself to go and today I have been in bed feeling rubbish and moody.

Get horrible thoughts like I am going to pass out or go mad. Anybody else like this?