View Full Version : Caring is hard

10-12-08, 13:23
I am new to this site and don't really know what to expect. My husband is suffering with an acute anxiety disorder and depression which seems to paralyse him from thinking and behaving rationally. I am on the verge of giving up as anything I do has no effect and my health is beginning to suffer.
My GP gave me this site address as he thought it may help me to understand more and find strategies for coping for myself. I am by nature a positive person and have a strong character, however I am becoming increasingly worn down by my situation. :flowers:

Diane O'Brien
10-12-08, 14:21
Hi Patch

:welcome: to this site. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Its good that u have found this site, patch. There are plenty of people here willing to help. I.m sure u are doing a wonderful job in supporting your husband. However u need support to because its not easy. My husband has been through moments with me when he's beyond despair. Can I just say that I have always truly appreciated the support my husband has given me even though I have never actually sat down and told him. Perhaps I should.

Don't think your support is not helping because believe me it is. Look after yourself though because your important to.

Diane xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

10-12-08, 14:49
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP

Veronica H
10-12-08, 15:06
:welcome: Patch, as my hubby says 'if you had a broken leg I would know what to do and what not to do'. It is not easy being the partner of someone with this illness. You will find advice, comfort and support here.


10-12-08, 21:16
hello patch it up !
i too suffer from what you described, your husband needs your love and support, but you need it too, i would have never got this far woth out my husband. your husband is still there, his old self and he is probably screaming to get out of this state, i know i have been there, its like your stuck behind a fogged up window.
this site is great as there are lots of people that really care and know what youa re going through.

i wish you all the luck... it will get better !


10-12-08, 23:02
Hi Patch,
:welcome: to NMP. I think you will like it here as people are very supportive and there is a lot of information.

Hope to see you in chat

11-12-08, 00:08
As a husband who is the sufferer let me say that your support is very important to your husband, perhaps most when he is beyond seeing or acknowledging it. In a way the sufferer can be as desperate and as difficult as an addict - BUT there isn't even something you can keep them away from to break the cycle. So I thankyou for him.

Anyway - well done for looking for information and advice. The information pages on the left of this site <---- over there in the menu are good. I also recommend looking at other sites too as they all have a different perspective. As a sufferer I especially liked the information at anxietycare.org.uk, patient.co.uk has some info GPs are meant to provide but rarely do - search there for anxiety or GAD. www.firststeps-surrey.nhs.uk/anxiety.htm an NHS site is also fairly comprehensive.

If you browse or search through the topics here you will find a lot of sufferers who may be similar to your husband and who's experiences and advice may help you.

12-12-08, 22:40
:blush: Hya my first post and I know just how you must be feeling, I'm in the same situation, its not always easy, I would describe it as riding a rollercoaster of emotions. Initially its confusing, frightening and can be very isolating, people round you don't always understand and the longer it goes on the less understanding most seem to be.

Not sure whereabouts you are but have you looked for any mental health carer support groups in your area. I joined out of desperation and everyone there is very supportive, you realise you are not alone.

Hang in there sure he appreciates everything you do, a broken mind takes far longer to heal than a broken leg.

Take care things do get easier