View Full Version : Heart racing, on the verge of panic attack

10-12-08, 14:57
I get palpitations quite bad, normally when they come on, they set a panic attack off. When i get them my heart beats anything from 111-130 .. & there happening ryt now!! :( Ive felt very anxious & 'not right' all day. Im trying my hardest not to panic, but they scare the life out of me!
Normally i end up in a&e for an ECG (Which always come back normal) but im trying to handle them myself.

10-12-08, 15:03
It's very scary to have the racing heart. Just remember that it will pass as it always does. Use each time this happens to practice your coping skills. It is the only time that one can truly get practice in. You will one day look back at these times and see them as blessings in disguise.

Veronica H
10-12-08, 15:14
:bighug1: Hi Maybe, mine does the same around this time as I cannot control the PMT, it will pass soon. 130 feels like recovering from a run but you will be ok.


10-12-08, 17:50
Thanks all .. x

10-12-08, 20:37
Racing heart and palpitations are (I find) two of the worst symptoms of anxiety/panic.

The trouble is that the more you worry about them, the worse they can get.

Try to remind yourself that these are purely physical symptoms, which cannot harm you.

110 - 130 BPM sounds high, but will do the heart no harm at all. I once did a half marathon (when I was much fitter!) where my heart rate was over 170 for 10 miles!

Of course, this all feels a little strange when you are not being active, but just having a panic attack!

As soon as you can accept that these are just physical symptoms, and cannot harm you, they will disappear.