View Full Version : :-( idont know what to do anymore

10-12-08, 15:47
I have CONSTANT breathlessness day and night, i was diagnosed with benign ectopic beats earlylast yr after 2 holter monitors, chest xray ECg, echo bloods etc allof which were normal. but about a month ago i started getting very breathless all the time there is no resbite from it, I went backto the drs and they did more bloods- normala chest xray- normal and a ECG which showed a irregular heartbeat, then i went back again and the dr went a irregular rythum on my pulse did a ECG that he said was normal sinus rythum, i dont understand!!!!!! I had my blood ox sats done the other day they were 98-normal right?! so why ami breathless? is it because my heart is beating quicker/abnormally? im sooooo frightened i desperatly want to enjoy christmas with my littleboy and stepdaughters,fiance but feellike i cant because of this breathlessness. :-( what can i do to stop feeling the beats and mostof allto stop feeling breathless constantly? thanks. Happychrsitmas

10-12-08, 15:58
Hi Liz

I am sorry to hear that you are feeling so bad at the moment.

It sounds as if you have got stuck in the rhythm of over-breathing. I have done that so many times myself and each time I have thought that it would never end but it does. Sometimes I just have to think to myself that I haven't done it recently and it can start it all off again.

It is easy to say, I know, but you must try to take comfort in your test results ( I am trying to as well at the moment for a different ailment that I am obsessing over!).

I think we put a lot of pressure on ourselves at this time of year because we so want to enjoy Christmas. I hope you can try to find some time to relax.

Take care x

10-12-08, 16:08
hi i can relate to you cos i have this 24/7 aswell ,ive had ecg etc aswell , i guess your thinking same as me how the hell can it be anxiety 24 hours a day ,do you get woken up in night with it? do yuo also get the pressure feeling in chest ? feel free to pm me if you want to

take care amanda