View Full Version : is it mouth cancer???

10-12-08, 16:04
I am a 24 year old reletively fit and healthy girl but about a month ago I noticed a white patch on the back of my mouth. I immediately panicked and went to the dentist where she had a look and said she didnt think it was anything sinister but was going to refer me anyway. She said she wasnt classing it as urgent therefore it woul take a few weeks. Its been over a month now and still heard nothing. This last month has been hell for me. I am worried to the point I cant eat or sleep incase its cancer. Ive rang the surgery back up, they told me to ring the dental hospital and they told me to ring back in a few weeks!!! I cant possibly wait anymore. I just keep getting fobbed off. I know she said it wasnt anything sinister but what if she's wrong and what else could it possibly be??? I am ill with worry. I do smoke but less than 10 a day. Any advice or info would be great x:weep:

10-12-08, 17:34
Did she do a proper mouth cancer check with that little blue torch thingy where they put those glasses on you and turn the lights down?:unsure: I doubt very much it is mouth cancer but I can understand how worried you are and they have no rights to leave you hanging this long.:mad:

10-12-08, 17:49
No they didnt do that. Should she have??? Im soo scared. Im going to see my boyfriends uncle tonight for a second opinion as he's a dentist too. Im worried that he's going to confirm it. Dont know wot to do. I feel so helpless x

10-12-08, 18:04
I think dentists are clued up what to look for so I wouldn't worry.:hugs: My dentist looks round your mouth with a blue light but he never told me what it was for but I asked this time and so he told me it was to check for mouth cancer - I nearly freaked out.:ohmy: Thankfully he said everything was okay.:huh: I'm sure your boyfriends uncle will help put your mind at rest.:hugs: