View Full Version : Hello, new member here

10-12-08, 17:09
Hello everyone, i'm Hannah and I am 18 years old.

I have recently been having anxiety problems and they have been pretty much constant for about two months now, having started around the beginning of September. I have had these problems before when I was about 16 but on the last occasion I didn't seek help for it.

I think that this episode has been brought on by a mixture of things happening in my life recently - exams, pressure to decide my future (University etc.) and the fact that recently my elderly grandmother has been ill and in hospital.

I haven't been prescribed any medication as my brain is still developing but I am currently taking B vitamins, evening primrose oil and 'Quiet Life' which is an anti-anxiety drug.

I think thats about it. I look forward to talking and hopefully helping others get through their problems if I can :)


10-12-08, 17:16
Hi Hannah

:welcome: to NMP :) sorry to hear about ur grandmother, hope she gets better soon , there's alot of friendly people on this site and everyones really helpful, look forward to chatting to you in the chat room

tc Orangecrush :)

Diane O'Brien
10-12-08, 17:26

:welcome: Hannah. Lovely to hear from you. Look forward to talking to you as well.

Take Care

Diane xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Veronica H
10-12-08, 17:53
:welcome: Hannah, glad you have found us.


10-12-08, 23:05
Hi Hannah,
:welcome: to NMP. I think you will like it here as people are very supportive and there is a lot of information.

Hope to see you in chat