View Full Version : Had enough of anxiety

10-12-08, 18:45
Hey everyone

I have really had enough now just want to live a normal life, why do we blow everything out of all proportion.

Been suffering with a headache now for 3 days, across the front and top of my head, feels worse when i bend down or move my head, been there from when i wake up in the morning. It has felt a bit easier this afternoon, also have a sore throat feeling tired and a bit of a blocked up nose.

I have obviously been imagining allsorts, my biggest fear is having a brain tumor or cancer. I did have some routine blood tests about a month ago (fbc + esr) they came back normal.

10-12-08, 22:27
Hi Jason,

I too have been suffering from headaches recently (strange ones) and have been imaging the same things as you, i suppose we just have to make ourselves rationalise our symptons or ask the docs and once they diagnose believe them. Which for us i know is hard but i think if we don't force ourselves to do this we will let the anxiety consume us